6 Foods Rich In Calcium For Your Body

Although dairy products are the best known source of calcium, there are many other foods that provide us with this mineral, which is not only essential for bones and teeth.

Within living beings, calcium is of great importance. This mineral is found within the skeletal, blood and medullary composition.

In case of deficiency, different diseases can occur.

The human being and calcium

Virtually all living things have this component within their body. Thus, the human being is no exception and, like the rest, uses it to a great extent.

Despite its great importance, in the case of humans, to take advantage of calcium in an optimal way, the help of other substances is needed.

With regard to the balance of the body (substances and liquids), phosphorus and potassium play an extremely indispensable role alongside calcium; this process is known as homeostasis.

On the other hand, vitamin D helps distribute the mineral in question throughout the body; This is essential for the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.

Other functions of calcium

Apart from those already mentioned, calcium contributes in other ways to the body:

  • Maintains dental and bone well-being.
  • Levels and regulates kinases (enzymes).
  • Contributes to blood clotting.
  • Media between cells (performs what is known as “messaging function”).

Foods rich in calcium

Based on the components mentioned above and the great benefits offered, it is convenient to know in which foods calcium can be found, in large quantities.

Vegan-sourced foods


Today, a large number of people use a plant-based diet; it has been widely criticized due to its ‘few nutrients’.

However, most of these foods are rich in calcium; to have a better reference we will show you what they are:

  • Broccoli.
  • Common kale.
  • Turnips
  • Chinesse cabbage.
  • Peanut.
  • Almonds
  • Sesame seeds.
  • Oranges

However, there are other non-vegan foods that also provide us with a large amount of calcium.



This is one of the fish with the highest amounts of calcium; Despite this, and although it may seem strange, their content is higher when we consume them canned.

At that point, an average sardine provides us with approximately 250 mg of this mineral. This occurs thanks to the thermal process, in which the meat absorbs this component from the bones.

The eggs

Eggs have been the subject of contention in the past, as they were thought to be harmful to the body and to increase cholesterol.

However, nowadays the egg has become one of the most consumed and recommended foods worldwide.

Among the many nutrients that it contributes to the diet, calcium should also be included.

Although it has a higher concentration of this in the peel, the yolk and the white have enough content to contribute to the functions of the body.

The salmon

5. Salmon

Something similar happens to the process undergone by canned sardines. However, in the case of salmon, it is advisable to prepare it cooked.

While the recipe is being made, its bones tend to soften, facilitating the absorption of calcium by the meat.

It is enough to consume it to acquire said mineral.

Milk and other dairy products

Without a doubt, these foods are the most common when it comes to calcium intake ; practically all the people in the world know it and therefore consume them regularly.

Among the dairy products that we can consume to get a considerable amount of calcium we find:

  • Milk.
  • The yogurt.
  • The cheese.
  • The butter.

In addition, considering the above, you may like to know that they also provide vitamin D to us.

This contributes widely to the functioning of this mineral within the body.


Although they are a less common food at the table, it is also good to know that they are a great source of calcium. Indulging in this can be very nutritious for the body.

These are just some of the foods that you can get used to consuming to have optimal calcium levels. Take note and take care of your health.

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