7 Possible Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of overweight and obesity. Also, people with trouble falling asleep have a slower metabolism and their hunger hormones are affected and they tend to eat more.

It is true that diet and exercise are key to losing weight and keeping it balanced. What is not so true is to affirm that this is the only thing that must be done to achieve the ideal weight; According to research, there are other possible reasons why a person may gain weight.

If you are eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly but still cannot lose weight, some of the following reasons could be the cause of not getting results. We present the 7 possible reasons why it is difficult for you to lose weight.

7 possible reasons why you are not losing weight

First of all, keep in mind that the following keys cannot and should not replace a medical diagnosis. For a personalized treatment of the possible health problem that you think you face, it is best to consult a professional.

You are not getting enough sleep

Sleeping is one of the possible reasons why you don't lose weight

Studies have revealed that people who have trouble falling asleep or sleep less than five hours have a slower metabolism and their hunger hormones like leptin and ghrelin are affected.

Leptin is the hormone that tells the brain when to stop eating. For its part, ghrelin (produced in the stomach) stimulates hunger. To give a solution to this, one of the possible reasons is to have a good sleep routine with at least 8 hours of rest a day.

You consume hidden sugars

Hidden sugars can be present even where you least think. Without you knowing it, perhaps you are consuming it in considerable quantities. You do it through energy bars, cereals, rehydration drinks, sauces and spreads.

To avoid this, it is very important that you read the label very well before buying your products. You could avoid those that contain refined sugars. Consult with a nutritionist for more specific information based on your goals.

You count calories and not nutrients

Obviously, when we want to lose weight, the calorie servings need to be smaller. However, there are those who are obsessed with this detail. Thus, they forget that there are very important nutrients that must be included in the healthy diet.

In this case, the most important thing is to think about quality and not rely only on calories, including foods with contributions of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

You spend a lot of time sitting

The sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of overweight and obesity. Many times, you may think that there is no time to exercise, but in reality there is a lack of interest. What is recommended by the WHO is to do at least 30 minutes a day of exercises, whether walking, running, jogging, cycling, among others.

You don’t take the time to cook

The combination of a sedentary lifestyle with a poor diet is one of the worst enemies of good weight. Many, due to lack of time, choose to consume frozen foods, fast foods or any combination of junk food.

The solution is to start taking more time a week to prepare a healthy dinner and, especially, to prepare a good breakfast, a very important issue for many reasons.

You are dealing with a hormonal problem

Many times you try everything to lose weight, but on the contrary, you keep increasing. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is because the weight gain could be the result of a hormonal disorder, such as hyperthyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and insulin resistance.

When consulting with the doctor, he will be able to indicate the treatment to follow in order to improve this condition. Also, if it is confirmed that the problem is a hormonal condition, it is good that you start including healthy proteins, vegetables, seaweed and essential fatty acids in the diet.

You are not consuming significant servings of essential fatty acids

For many years, diet plans and weight loss diets became enemies of fat. Today, there are many “low-fat” products that promise a better diet. Despite this, obesity and overweight rates are on the rise.

The mistake you can make when losing weight is not including healthy fats in your diet, such as the fatty acids found in flaxseed oil, fish oil, nuts and seeds. These types of fats have various benefits for the body, such as reducing cholesterol levels and preventing heart disease.

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