Almond, Chamomile And Lavender Scrub For Sensitive Skin

Since sensitive skin can react minimally, we can do a test on a small area before applying the scrub all over the face, to see how our dermis reacts

Sensitive skin needs more specific care and, above all, based on mild natural ingredients so that they do not irritate it.

People with sensitive skin tend to avoid some treatments such as peels for fear that they will be too harsh.

In this article we propose a natural exfoliant based on ground almonds, chamomile infusion and lavender essential oil for sensitive and delicate skin.

How to care for sensitive skin?

Sensitive skins are the most problematic when it comes to finding suitable cosmetic products, since they are very easily irritated by some synthetic components or that cause allergies.

However, that does not mean that we should not clean and hydrate them every day.

We must choose natural products, made with organic ingredients, free of fragrances and synthetic preservatives. The most delicate skins may not even tolerate natural scents.

Today we can already find products free of these components. However, an inexpensive and 100% natural alternative is to prepare our own homemade cosmetics.

The importance of exfoliating

The use of exfoliating is one of the steps that most concern people with sensitive skin, since they usually contain sulfates or other components that are too aggressive for their skin.

Rather than cleaning, they tend to cause skin irritation and redness.

However, exfoliation with the appropriate product is a highly recommended technique for these people, since it allows to eliminate dead cells and improve the regeneration of new skin.

If we do it regularly, with a gentle exfoliant and respecting the natural rhythm of the skin, we will achieve a more resistant and beautiful dermis.

A 100% natural scrub

Body scrub

To make this gentle and natural scrub, we have chosen three well-known ingredients:


The almond is a dried fruit with excellent properties for the skin. Not surprisingly, its oil is one of the most famous in moisturizing, antioxidant and regenerating treatments, thanks to its vitamin E content.

It provides great softness to the skin and helps us protect it from external factors that damage and age it, such as the sun or pollution.


A medicinal plant known for its powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory qualities, two essential virtues for delicate and eczema skin.

Chamomile is also very effective in fighting acne on sensitive skin that cannot tolerate other types of treatments.


The lavender flower stands out for its calming, regulating and regenerating properties.

It is an essential plant in any home cosmetic, since it enhances the virtues of the rest of the components. In addition, it has a delicious aroma that also helps us balance our mood.


To prepare this scrub for sensitive skin we will need the following amounts:

  • ½ cup of raw ground almonds (100 g)
  • 3 sachets of chamomile infusion
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)

Ideally, the ingredients would be certified organic, to avoid the content of pesticides or other synthetic substances.



We will make this scrub as follows:

  • We will prepare a concentrated infusion with the 3 chamomile bags in half a glass of water. When it boils we will turn off the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • When the infusion is warm, we will add the 15 drops of lavender essential oil. In case of having a too sensitive skin, also to natural products, we recommend reducing or eliminating this ingredient.
  • We will add the ground almond and mix well with our hands.
  • The result has to be a fairly solid mass, but moistened. We can add a little more water if we need it.
  • We will keep it in the fridge.

How do we use it?

To use this scrub we will follow the following steps:

  • With wet skin, we will take a pinch of the scrub, the size of a hazelnut, and we will moisten it a little more to apply it better on the face.
  • By adding water, it will become more liquid and it will be easier to use to gently massage all the skin, especially the chin, nose and forehead area.
  • Then we will rinse with warm or cold water and dry well.
  • We will hydrate the skin as usual.
  • We can use this scrub once every 7 or 14 days, depending on the reaction of our skin.
  • We can also use it on the rest of the body to provide softness and hydration.

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