Benefits Of Applesauce

When we were sick as children our grandmothers or mothers gave us applesauce. We also offer it today to our little ones when they have digestive and intestinal problems.

Perhaps it is not one of the delicacies of the gods that humans choose the most. However, it  has many properties that are worth knowing.

In the following article we will tell you what are the benefits of applesauce and how to prepare it. Take advantage!

Apples in compote: what are they for?

This fruit is one of the healthiest that exists and, therefore, it is of great help to consume it in any way. In addition to enjoying it raw (with or without the shell, depending on your preference) or roasted, there is a recipe that you have surely known since childhood: compote.

This typical dish for children is very simple to prepare. The good news is that it preserves all the properties and nutrients of the apple. It also provides us with antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamins.

Thus, for example, it can be helpful against some cardiovascular diseases, according to this study carried out by Sun Yat-sen University (China).

However, do not forget that it can never cure these types of diseases, since it is only a supplement, as well as that you should consult your doctor if you think you have a major health problem. 

Apples in compote

In addition, applesauce  has many other benefits, including the following:

  • If we add honey and cinnamon, we will not only improve its flavor, but we will increase its benefits. According to this study carried out by the Universidad de la Frontera (Chile), honey is a powerful antimicrobial. Cinnamon, on the other hand, works to treat diabetes, according to this research carried out by the MS Ramaiah Medical College (India).
  • Therefore, this dessert is suitable for all ages, since it is really delicious and beneficial for our health.

Main properties of applesauce

The apple is one of the most important sources of nutrients that nature offers us. In addition, in compote, it can have many benefits for our health, such as the ones we show you here:

Helps reduce cellular aging

Apples are great sources of vitamin C (according to this study carried out by the University of Bío Bío in Chile, the one in charge of improving our defenses), so consuming one piece a day provides us with the 11% necessary of this vitamin to be healthy and strong.

It has also been proven that it can help reduce the damage caused by free radicals, as stated in the information obtained from the National Institutes of Health in the United States, and reduce the atrophy of certain organs and cells. These problems are usually very common in older people.

Helps improve digestion

The compote apple provides a good amount of insoluble fiber to the body, according to this study carried out by Nutrition Science Solutions (United States). To do this, we must leave the shell in the recipe. For this reason, it can promote intestinal mobility and increase the volume of stool.

Thus, this dessert is perfect for those who suffer from constipation. In order to increase its effects, it is also recommended to drink a lot of water.

Applesauce can help us improve digestion.

May help regain appetite

On the other hand, in convalescent children and adults, applesauce is believed to help restore the urge to eat. In fact, it is often used in people with poor health who cannot chew or swallow food.

However, there is no type of scientific evidence that fully supports this claim.

It is a great ally to satisfy hunger

On the contrary, if we want to lose weight, applesauce can be a great ally, since apples contain very few calories (52 per 100 grams).  For many, this is enough to go several hours without eating or being tempted by any wrong food.

If we combine it with a tablespoon of almonds or raisins, it will also be a dessert that will provide healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And the feeling of satiety will be much greater!

Applesauce has many beneficial properties.

How do you prepare applesauce?

Now that you know the properties and benefits of this delicious dessert, you can learn how to prepare it at home. It is a very easy and fast recipe!

Enjoy all its nutrients and share it with your family after lunch or dinner. Follow these steps:


  • 3 red apples
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • First, wash the apples well and cut them into quarters, removing the core, the stem and the seeds.
  • Place on a baking tray and cook them for 40 minutes at 120 ° C. After this time has elapsed, remove them and allow them to cool down before processing them through the food processor to obtain a paste.


  • After this, add the cinnamon and honey (the amounts are indicative, you can use more or less according to your taste).
  • Finally, place the product in individual containers or tubs and, once they reach room temperature, keep them in the fridge. You can serve the compote hot or cold, as well as combine them with other fruits such as figs or pears. As you prefer!

    Does apple compote have contraindications?

    In the event that elderly, convalescent or underweight children are going to eat the compote, we recommend adding a tablespoon of olive oil to the recipe to increase its anti-inflammatory properties, which, according to this study carried out by the Istituto Superiore di Sanita (Italy) , there are many.

    For their part, those with fructose intolerance should avoid this dessert. In this case you can use strawberries, raspberries or pineapples instead of apple, and mix them with rice.

    Apples in basket.

    What is the difference between applesauce and puree?

    Before concluding this article, you may be wondering if there is a difference between puree and applesauce. There is, since they are different elaborations.

    On the one hand, the compote is prepared with the cooked apple, while in the puree it is raw. In the latter case, it is peeled and grated, and you can also add cinnamon, honey or raisins.

    Whichever preparation you prefer, do not hesitate to take advantage of the properties of the apple! Also, remember: you should always consult a professional if you think you may have a major health problem. 

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