Are There Foods That Help Reduce Stress?

Stress is a fairly aggressive condition whose frequency seems to have increased nowadays. In addition, it can be the cause of several serious problems, many of which we do not directly associate.

Among these we find digestive problems, insomnia or headaches. So, as you can see, stress can affect not only our mental health, but our physical health.

Therefore, it is convenient to take it seriously and treat it appropriately. If we suffer from chronic stress, it is best to go to a specialist to recommend the appropriate treatment.

Are there foods that help reduce stress?

Food alone cannot reduce stress. However, in the case of being stressed, then it may be advisable to consume certain foods.

Thus, these foods can be a perfect complement to any treatment. They can also be beneficial in specific cases of stress.


Fatty fish in particular are an excellent choice because they are healthy for the heart and their omega-3s may have an interaction with our mood. In fact, a study published in 2011 by the journal  Brain, Behavior, and Immunity confirms it: omega-3s may reduce anxiety.

Fatty fish include tuna, halibut, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and lake trout, according to the American Heart Association.


Another food that has an anxiolytic effect and could help in times of stress is asparagus. This is confirmed by a study published in 2013 by Chinese researchers: it can even be considered an alternative treatment for anxiety.

Dark chocolate

In recent years, various investigations have confirmed that chocolate can provide certain benefits for our body.

It is recommended to consume dark chocolate and in moderate quantities. And it is that research has been able to confirm that dark chocolate is capable of reducing our stress levels. This is due to its ability to intervene in the metabolism of hormones involved in stress.

These foods could play a role in reducing stress levels. However, it is important to maintain a balanced idea, however, keep in mind that these foods should not reduce stress in your case. If you suffer from chronic stress, it is best to consult a specialist.

This, in addition to recommending a good diet, will also give you adequate treatment. Food is a supplement, not a complete treatment.

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