Benefits Of Placing Flowers At Home And Work

Did you know that flowers and plants are not just aesthetic or decorative elements in interior environments? It is proven that they offer you several advantages and that they are worth having in sight in any circumstance.

In the following article, you will learn about the benefits of placing flowers at home and at the workplace.

Benefits of flowers at home

If you want to build a more positive environment, feel free to put colorful flower pots everywhere. These radiate their colors and aromas and these benefit health.

The presence of flowers brings more vitality when you wake up and more energy throughout the day. Next we will talk about some of its healthy virtues.

They help fight stress

It may seem like a fantasy, but it is reality. Flowers have the ability to help combat stress, a condition that favors many illnesses or makes any minutiae a cause for a fight at home.

If you have a room full of flowers, you will feel refreshed when you rest after work. And also, if you have colorful flowers in the living room or hall, you will perceive it as a warm welcome when you arrive from the street.

A study carried out by psychologist Jeannette Haviland-Jones, from the University of New Jersey, showed that flowers have a very positive effect on the mood of older adults.

Choose the ones you want; flowers in a color that matches the design of your home, for example. It all depends on your preferences!

They provide satisfaction

Flowers are synonymous with creativity and harmony , and they satisfy all the senses. If you are passionate about what you do, but have found that you lack a bit of imagination, keep the environment full of flowers to encourage creativity.

The flowers help to improve the mood. And if you feel good, you will be more productive. Daily activities become more enjoyable and even doing the dishes has a different twist.

They stimulate recycling

Using a jar, a can or a bottle you can make a beautiful container to place your flowers there. You reciclarás and not only will you do something good for the planet, but your pocket, because they have to spend in flowerpots. Use what you have at home and take the opportunity to demonstrate your craftsmanship.

They provide natural fragrances

No incense, incense, scented candles, humidifiers … Flowers will give you a lot of natural aromas, just by being there.

Choose those that have more fragrance and that last longer, such as jasmine. They are a good alternative to replace industrial air fresheners, which are not friendly to the environment.


Saving money

To get flowers at a good price, it is best to go to a nursery or a fair where they sell them in quantity and thus take advantage of the offers. This is much cheaper than buying other decorative items.

If you dare, and you have room, you can even plant your own species. Do not hesitate, it is one of the best investments you can make and, in addition, it could be very entertaining.

Relaxation and better quality of sleep

The subdued colors of the white, pink, or yellow flowers may help you sleep better at night. Likewise, they contribute to reducing the levels of anxiety and nervousness that afflict daily.

Remember that intense tones like fuchsia or red have the opposite effect. They are very energetic and activating, so it is not advisable to place flowers of these tones in the room. It is important to clarify that no scientific studies were found to corroborate these properties.

They purify the air and help you breathe better

As you probably know, plants go through a process called photosynthesis. Through this, flowers and plants absorb carbon dioxide and transform it into oxygen. For the same reason, they are a good complement to the respiratory process in humans.

In turn, plants provide moisture to the environment. This helps to reduce the volume of dust and particles in the environment and can be very beneficial for those with respiratory problems.

Benefits of flowers in the office

Beyond being very beautiful and decorative, flowers provide us with other benefits if we put them in our workplace. We will talk about them below.

They promote a good relationship between colleagues

Flowers help create a more relaxed atmosphere among those who work in an office. This is due to different reasons, such as the emotional effect of their colors or the pleasant and relaxing aroma they give off.

All this results in a better state of mind. Consequently, they facilitate good relationships between people, in addition to helping to increase overall job performance. There are no scientific studies that corroborate these virtues.

Improve air quality

Sometimes many hours are spent in spaces that do not always have good ventilation, or places close to the open air. Placing flowers and plants in the office serves to absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen.

In this way, you can count on cleaner air. This benefits health. In addition, the plants increase the humidity and this favors the hydration of the mucous membranes, the skin and the throat. Likewise, it contributes to reducing the use of air conditioning.


Reduce static

In the offices there are computers, printers, photocopiers, mobile phones and many other devices. These generate a field of electricity that can have negative effects when you are exposed to them for many hours a day.

Flowers, like all plants, have the ability to reduce static in environments. This is because they add more humidity to the air and this reduces the accumulation of static charge.

Help reduce noise

Flowers and plants help to isolate the sounds , which is very beneficial in places where there is a lot of noise, since this affects the health and often causes headaches.

However, it should be noted that a high volume of plants is required to achieve this effect. In fact, the acoustic insulation property, at the moment, is only achieved with green walls and under specific conditions.


They contribute to increases productivity

Lastly, the flowers contribute to increasing productivity. Likewise, they influence the ability to study and concentrate.

This is because they facilitate states of relaxation and this, in turn, improves cognitive abilities to some extent. A stressed person is less effective in his work.


Flowers beautify the environment and help us feel better. They do not make a miraculous contribution, nor do they have the ability to cause radical changes, but they do influence good mood and health.

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