The Interesting Benefits Of Bitter Orange: Find Out!

Bitter or sour orange is actually a hybrid between two types of orange trees. Although there are numerous varieties, it is well known for its perfume, its intense flavor and the medicinal qualities attributed to it.

It is usually used in the perfume industry and it is even possible that on some occasion you have tried its essential oils. Although it is so bitter that eating it alone is not an option, it can be used as the main ingredient in jams. Next, we tell you more about its benefits and how to prepare it.

What are the benefits of bitter orange?

Although one of the benefits most attributed to bitter orange is to control appetite and promote weight loss, there are other advantages of consuming it. In the following list we detail what they are. However, it is worth clarifying that some of them do not have enough scientific studies to verify these properties.

Helps reduce anxiety

According to research by the Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology, in some countries, this fruit is used as an alternative medicine to treat anxiety in patients before undergoing minor surgical procedures.

Stimulates metabolism

One of the most popular uses of this fruit is to promote weight loss. This is due to a component called p-synephrine, which helps to activate the metabolism. Most studies on bitter orange and the properties of this element have used products that have multiple ingredients.

However, a publication in the International Journal of Medical Sciences focused on discovering the effects of p-synephrine alone and in combination with selected bioflavonoids. The results suggest that the combination of the flavonoids naringin and hesperidin, along with p-synephrine, can help control weight.

On the other hand, as the Mayo Clinic indicates, p-synephrine can also cause blood pressure to rise. Although it is possible to purchase capsules made from this fruit in pharmacies or dietary centers, the truth is that its consumption in excess could represent serious health problems.

For our part, we recommend the infusions with its crust or, even, prepare it in jam. Natural methods with which, for example, you will get a healthy and satisfying breakfast that will prevent you from snacking between meals.

It is a possible antifungal agent

Bitter orange oil appears to have properties to stop the growth and development of fungi. This is indicated by the results of an in vitro study published in the International Journal of Dermatology . It is suggested in the article as a promising and readily available topical antifungal therapeutic agent.

Supports gastrointestinal health

It is said that one of the advantages of sour or bitter orange is that it helps in the digestive process and helps to relieve episodes of vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Apparently, its bark could also be beneficial in treating heartburn.

Examples of how to consume bitter orange

The consumption of bitter or sour orange can be useful as a supplement when losing weight. However, it is important to keep these basics in mind:

  • It is not about consuming bitter orange throughout the day. Restrictive diets are never healthy. It is best to eat a varied diet, low in fat and rich in fiber and fresh vegetables.
  • Try it for a week. If you feel that it produces heartburn or tachycardias, stop consuming it immediately.
  • Try not to combine bitter orange with coffee. Together, they can act as triggers and you risk an increase in tension.

Here are some simple examples of how to consume it in the morning.

Bitter orange rind infusion

To include it in the diet, you can use both the bark of the fruit, as well as the leaves and flowers of the tree. A simple way to take it is in an infusion.


  • The rind of a well cleaned orange
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (3 g) or a sprig
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • A tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Pour the water into a bowl and add the crust. Put it to heat and allow it to come to a boil several times and cook for about 20 minutes.
  • After that time, let it rest for 5 minutes and then strain all the contents to be left with only the infusion.
  • Drink little by little at your breakfast. It can be ideal if you take it for 10 days in a row.

Other examples of how to take bitter orange

Another way to consume this fruit is to take a toast of rye bread and spread it with a little bit of bitter orange marmalade. Also, you can have a bowl of oatmeal, a tea and a toast of buckwheat bread with a bit of bitter orange and a little low-fat white cheese for breakfast. This way you will start the day loaded with nutrients.

Now that you know all the benefits of bitter orange, do not hesitate to incorporate it into your diet and start enjoying all its properties. Remember that if you want to lose weight, it is best to consult your doctor before consuming supplements of this fruit.

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