How To Prepare A Relaxing Bath

Enjoying a relaxing bath during the week can help us release tension and feel relief. And it is that, without a doubt, both the temperature of the water and the aroma of the ingredients that we decide to add (a soap, some salts, a “bomb” or simply a few drops of an essential oil) help us to feel at ease. taste.

In principle, it is not necessary to resort to a very elaborate strategy. It is enough to fill the tub with water, add an element with a pleasant aroma and provide ourselves with a pleasant atmosphere. This can be done with candles, an incense, and other items.

Up to there everything seems very simple, however, it has its trick. We should not add too many elements to the water or go overboard with incense and other aromatic elements or we could load the environment too much and self-sabotage relaxation.

Tips for preparing a relaxing bath at home

To prepare a relaxing bath, it is advisable to fill the bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature, that is, neither too cold nor too hot. 

Keep in mind that very hot water not only burns, but also cleanses the entire layer of natural oil from the skin, which ends up exposing it to a variety of discomforts ranging from redness and dryness to burns.

Cold water, although it may seem like an excellent option in the summer, is not ideal either, since shortly after we have submerged ourselves in it, our sensation of heat will increase rather than decrease. In short, this is because low temperatures force the body to work harder to regulate its own temperature, so it does not “cool down” but continues to experience the sensation of heat.

Be careful with the amount of soap and other related elements

On the other hand, when adding scented soaps or oils, it is important not to abuse it so as not to create an environment that is too charged that can end up causing a headache.

If we already have a scented candle and a soap bomb, it is not really necessary to light an incense. In this sense, we must learn to discriminate: if we already have the candle, it is better to leave the incense for the next time.

Then, in relation to the products to use to clean and pamper ourselves, you have to have a pulse. It is not necessary to apply large amounts of that glitter soap repeatedly throughout the bathroom. Neither is combining the soap pump with a squirt of scented liquid soap.

The more balanced we have everything, the better it will sit us.

How to make lavender clay soap?

Recipe to enjoy a good relaxing bath

The ingredients listed here are calculated for a standard size bathtub. Keep in mind that the larger the bathtub, the more chamomile flowers and lavender infusion you will need.

With regard to Epsom salts and essential oil, it is best to always keep it in moderation, to avoid adverse reactions on the skin. Especially in case of suffering from some type of skin disorder.

You will need to

  • Chamomile flowers, 200 g.
  • Lavender infusion, 125 ml.
  • Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), 5 g.
  • A few drops of the essential oil that you like the most, 10 drops (you can substitute rose water).


  • Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water.
  • Prepare the lavender infusion and once it is ready, add it to the bathtub.
  • In a deep dish with boiling water, immerse the chamomile flowers for a couple of minutes.
  • Before the chamomile flowers are fully cooked, add them – with everything and their liquid – to the bathtub.
  • If you wish, add the Epsom salts and drops of the essential oil of your choice (it can be lavender, chamomile or some other that has relaxing properties).
  • Gently stir the water, dip in and enjoy.

This relaxing bath is a treatment that will come in handy on those days when you feel more tired than usual, suffer from stress or anxiety begins to take its toll on your health.

On the use of essential oil

If you are using an essential oil, be sure to dilute it accordingly so it doesn’t discomfort your skin. On the other hand, if your skin is sensitive, it is best to avoid these types of products and, to enjoy a pleasant aroma while you bathe, choose to place an aromatic candle in the bathroom.

Finally, remember that you can always self- massage while you bathe to feel even more refreshed. 

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