8 Nutrition And Health Tips For Those Who Want To Practice Sports

If we intend to do more exercise to tone or gain muscle, to lose weight or to stay in shape, there are some tips that we should follow to do it correctly and effectively. Discover in this article 8 nutrition and health tips for those who want to practice sports.

Start practicing sports

Have you decided to start practicing sports or do you want to do it correctly? It is a great goal to stay healthy and prevent disease. Thanks to this we will achieve great benefits in our body:

  • Eliminate fat.
  • Tone or increase muscles.
  • Accelerate metabolism.
  • Fight fluid retention.
  • Eliminate toxins.
  • Balance the nervous system and alleviate disorders. Like anxiety, stress, or insomnia.
  • Improve our mood.
  • Prevent insulin resistance.
  • Regulate blood pressure.
  • Improve bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

However, if we do not do the exercise with a previous basis, we can harm ourselves. Also suffer physical discomfort and not achieve the goal that we have set for ourselves.

8 essential tips

1. Drink lots of water

drinking water

The first tip is one of the most important and simplest. However, most people find it difficult to realize its importance. We should not only do it throughout the day outside of meals. But since we start practicing sports.

  • We will drink the water in small sips every little time to avoid dehydration and mineral loss. It will also depend on the intensity of the exercise, the temperature, etc.
  • If we like to drink remineralizing drinks, we can prepare water with lemon, sweetened with pure stevia.

2. Don’t eat just before training

Although some nutritionists recommend practicing sports on an empty stomach to lose more fat, the safest and healthiest thing to do is not to exercise on an empty stomach. However, it is also not good to do it right after eating.  Since we would cut the digestion and we would have much less energy.

  • Ideally, eat about two hours before exercise. Or have something quick and nutritious before, like 5 nuts or a piece of fruit.

3. Consume protein after exercise

Old-fashioned mustard chicken with honey

If we want to increase muscle, the best advice we can receive is to eat protein right after playing sports. However, no more than 45 minutes should pass before we have a protein serving.

Nowadays, protein shakes are all the rage, they are delicious. Of different flavors and they are prepared quickly and comfortably.

  • There are vegan shakes. Made with pea, rice or hemp protein.
  • There are also the famous buttermilk shakes. They are, in fact, a very healthy option.
  • Those who want to consume something solid. They can choose, for example, for tortilla, tuna or chicken.

    4. Combine exercises of different intensity

    We should combine different types of exercises throughout the week:

    • Relaxation and stretching.
    • Toning the muscles with weight and other devices.
    • Medium or high intensity cardiovascular exercises.

    5. Stretch before and after

    Thigh and glute stretching, playing sports

    When it comes to preventing injuries and improving the quality of training, we must take into account the importance of stretching before and after each session. In this way we will compensate for the muscle contraction. And we will improve the health of muscles, tendons, joints, etc.

    Once a week we could also do an activity dedicated only to relaxing and stretching.

    6. Wear the right clothes

    We cannot forget to wear suitable clothing during exercise, breathable and, if possible, made of natural fabrics. The sweating that occurs during exercise is positive. Since it allows us to eliminate toxins and liquids.

    In addition, quality shoes are essential , always adapted to the type of sport we practice.

    7. Learn to breathe


    When doing any physical effort it is essential to breathe in during muscle relaxation and exhale when doing the contraction or force. This should be taken into account, especially if we do muscle toning with weight.

    • During aerobic exercises we will avoid short or shallow breathing.

    8. Beneficial supplements

    In case we want to reinforce ourselves with a supplement, we can choose the following:

    • Spirulina To combat fatigue and remineralize ourselves.
    • Magnesium. To strengthen the muscles.
    • Creatine To remove fat. Also to increase muscle.
    • Astaxanthin To relieve inflammation and pain.

    In closing, I hope these tips are useful to you. Although exercise may be difficult at first, little by little the body will get used to it. However, we remember the importance of exercising when we are in good health. In fact, it is essential to consult a doctor in case of any illness or disease.

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