Is It Possible To Reduce Anxiety With Home Remedies?

Those who suffer from anxiety can manifest a series of physiological signs such as accelerated heartbeat, increased heart rate, cold sweat, tremors, digestive discomfort, dizziness and nausea, etc.

In this article we suggest some specific solutions that can help you calm anxiety in times of acute crisis. However, go to the specialist if this anxiety manifests itself continuously over time or if you notice any of the above symptoms in certain situations.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety could be defined as an unresolved fear or a state of activation that does not have a specific direction after the perception of threat. It is a fuzzy combination of emotions in anticipation of danger.

Conscious breathing

Breathing plays a fundamental role in our nervous balance. In general, when we are living a stressful situation we forget to breathe and we do it minimally, just enough to survive.

For this reason it is so important that, when we realize that we are suffering from anxiety, we are able to sit or lie down, close our eyes and concentrate on breathing. When breathing we must first fill the belly and then the chest, and when releasing the air the same, but in reverse.

After a few minutes of conscious breathing we can feel a great improvement.

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Magnesium bath

Water allows us to perform simple and inexpensive therapies at home. To calm anxiety in a very pleasant way, we propose a bath that will give you instant relaxation. There is no empirical evidence of its effectiveness.

To prepare this bath we will need 100 grams of magnesium sulfate powder and, if we wish, some essential oil that we like to improve the experience. Natural aromas also directly influence the nervous system, especially citrus fruits.

We will add these ingredients to the hot water.

You can be in the bath for between 20 and 30 minutes and we recommend that, at the end, you take a shower with cold water.

relaxing bath surfzone

Passionflower infusion

We can take an infusion or remedy based on passionflower or passionflower, a plant well known for its relaxing properties. According to studies, in some countries of South America the infusion of the extract of a kind of passionflower is a drink to treat epilepsy, muscle relaxant, fever …

Flower remedy

There is a natural remedy made from flower essences known as Bach Flowers that is focused on calming crises of any kind. But it is important to add that there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness against anxiety.

This preparation is popularly believed to help us to take control of the situation, not to lose the ability to concentrate, to act calmly and not impulsively and to rebalance the body. This remedy is known as Rescate , although some brands market it under names such as Urgent Remedy .

The moment we detect anxiety, it is popularly said to put 4 drops of the remedy in a glass of water and we will take small sips every few minutes. We can take the amount we need until we feel better.

Clay on the belly

What is the relationship between the nervous and digestive systems? Many experts in nutrition and emotions have highlighted how a poor digestive function influences our mood, to the point of being able to lead us to significant situations of irritability.

If we suspect that our anxiety may be related to some digestive imbalance, we can resort to an ancient remedy that will calm us in a short time and lead us to a very healthy relaxation.

We just have to prepare a red clay poultice and apply it to the belly for at least half an hour, and ideally an hour or overnight. We will cover the clay with a cloth and with another thicker fabric to help us keep the heat. To remove the poultice we will preferably do it in the shower, with warm water, for greater comfort.

Remember, if you suffer from anxiety, go to the specialist first. However, you can use these remedies to try to calm her in specific situations.

Images courtesy of surfzone, relaxingmusic and Humberto Terenziani.

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