Medications Compatible With Breastfeeding

Always after consulting your doctor, you will see that very few medications are incompatible with breastfeeding. Therefore, do not stop breastfeeding your little one to take advantage of the benefits of breastfeeding, unless it is strictly necessary.

During pregnancy, the pregnant woman should limit the consumption of medications as much as possible and strictly take only those prescribed by the doctor. However, the question arises as to whether we should apply the same limitations during breastfeeding. Do you know if there are medications compatible with this stage? In this article, we tell you about it.

Breastfeeding and medications

There is nothing better for feeding children during their first months of life. Thus, the multiple benefits of breastfeeding are known:

  • Contains all the necessary nutrients for the correct development of the baby
  • It provides antibodies that protect against infections, diarrhea, allergies and other conditions.
  • It is easy to digest
  • Reduce constipation
  • Promotes good health for life

But, in addition, breastfeeding also offers benefits to the mother. Among them, you can reduce the risk of suffering from: 

  • Breast and ovarian cancer
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Postpartum depression
  • Anemia
  • Osteoporosis
    woman breastfeeding baby

    Therefore, it is important to make mothers aware that breastfeeding is the best option. Also, the new mother must understand that she should not stop breastfeeding without a good reason. 

    Thus, taking certain medications is not an excuse to abandon breastfeeding. Surely many women consider that while breastfeeding, as in the case of pregnancy, how much they eat can pass to the baby. Thus, they believe that when taking medication, they should stop breastfeeding.

    However, this is a mistake. Very few drugs interfere with breastfeeding, so it is safe to take them while breastfeeding. In any case, it will always be the doctor who determines the compatibility of these drugs with breastfeeding. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult him.

    Also, on the other hand, keep in mind that many times we resort to the use of drugs to treat discomfort that, in reality, can be overcome without the need to take medication. For that reason, while breastfeeding, it is best to avoid its consumption unless it is necessary.

    What are the medications compatible with breastfeeding?

    Woman with pill: medicines compatible with breastfeeding

    To determine if the drug you are going to take is compatible with breastfeeding, it is better that you go to your doctor and consult him. However, as we said earlier, most medications can be taken while breastfeeding:

    • The paracetamol causes no problems. Of course, as you know, drug abuse is not recommended. Therefore, it is better that you do not take them unless it is necessary.
    • Some groups of antibiotics are also compatible with breastfeeding. In this case, it will be the doctor who indicates which antibiotic should be taken to ensure that it does not interfere with breastfeeding.
    • Insulin won’t cause problems either. In reality, almost all hormones can be administered during these months, with the exception of estrogens, which could cause a reduction in breast milk production. Therefore, consult your doctor regarding hormonal contraceptive methods if you want to use them.
    • At prescribed doses, almost all antithyroid, antiepileptic, antirheumatic, inflammatory bowel disease drugs, and various immunosuppressants are also compatible.
    • If you have to go to the dentist, you should know that the local anesthesia and the antibiotics and anti-inflammatories that they prescribe will not influence either.

    What medications can I not take?

    The Spanish Association of Pediatrics indicates that during breastfeeding the following are contraindicated:

    • Some blood thinners.
    • Ergotamine derivatives for the treatment of migraines, since they inhibit prolactin.
    • Antineoplastics.
    • Psychopharmaceuticals.
    • Drugs (amphetamines, cocaine, alcohol, etc).
    • Medicines high in iodine.
    • Anticancer drugs.

    Precautions on the use of compatible drugs

    Woman in consultation talking to a doctor

    Although most medications are not contraindicated, we must always have the advice of our doctor in order to ensure that there is no problem or risk for the mother or the infant.

    Thus, we must take into account that:

    • Drugs should not be taken without any kind of precaution. For this reason, if it is about minor ailments and conditions that can be overcome without having to resort to medications, it is better to avoid their consumption.
    •  If the baby or the mother has certain health problems (for example, kidney problems, glucose-6-phosphate-DH deficiency), the list of medicines compatible with breastfeeding may be much shorter. Therefore, it is essential to consult a doctor. 
    • You should not self-medicate, neither during breastfeeding nor during any other period of your life. Avoid the use of medicines not prescribed by a doctor.
    • Do not stop breastfeeding unless there is a compelling reason.

    In short, breastfeeding offers multiple benefits for mother and child. In addition, during this period, there are medications that are compatible, so consult your doctor to make sure that they do not pose any danger and continue to benefit from the most natural diet that exists: breastfeeding.

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