Make Your Balcony Your Own Little Garden

It may be that your house is very small, or that between the space of the children or the one that your partner occupies for their hobbies they just leave you a corner where you can develop your creativity. Have you ever thought of creating a private garden?

It is important to have a “own space” in the house. It may be your room, but if there is one place that we should always pay attention to, it is our balcony or our terrace.

There is light and fresh air that make it that union with the outside that offers us freedom and small moments of creativity, so… What do you think if we start creating our own little private garden?

We give you a few ideas.

Time, creativity and good soil


These are the three pillars that will make your private garden the most beautiful corner of the house. And no, it doesn’t matter how small or ugly he is right now.

With a little time, desire and a few seeds and a soil rich in nutrients we can do wonders.

What materials do I need?

We don’t want to spend money. So, and also with the idea of ​​taking care of our environment a bit, we are going to use recycled materials or objects that we no longer use at home:

  • Yoghurts as seedbeds : A very suitable way to get the seeds to grow and then pass the cuttings to the pots is to use, for example, the containers of yoghurts.
  • Large plastic cans or bottles:  There are those who get spectacular gardens on their balconies by reusing old cans or those large 5-liter jugs of water to use as flowerpots.
  • If the space on your balcony is very limited, a great idea would be to hang the pots on the wall. You can use hanging planter structures, or dare yourself with the drills and nails to put those pots along the wall that you have free.
    • One of the most important aspects of our private garden is to use soil already treated with nutrients. Here we should invest some money, since in this way we will ensure that our small harvest is fruitful.

    What can I plant in my private garden?


    You can plant whatever the weather conditions allow. Depending on the season you will have the possibility of carrying one type of crop or another. However, to have a very complete garden we suggest the following:

    Aromatic plants

    Aromatic plants can serve as original condiments in food, as medicinal components for our infusions  or simply to offer a pleasant smell to the house.

    • Mint:  Growing mint is very grateful as well as simple. You should plant it in seed or cuttings in late summer or early fall. You will need a wide pot and a good drainage system.
    • Parsley:  Parsley is essential for many of our meals and, in addition, taken as an infusion, it is very suitable for the kidneys. You should plant it in mid-summer and take good care of it in cold seasons, because it is somewhat delicate. It takes 2-3 months to come out.
    • Sage:  Sage is one of the most medicinal and useful plants that we can grow. You need a land with some sand and adequate drainage. You should plant it in spring and always offer it plenty of light.
    • Chamomile:  If you are one of those who cannot do without its mid-afternoon infusion, don’t hesitate: include chamomile in your private garden. Plant it in summer, with half nutrient-rich soil and the other half sand, to act as drainage. It should receive the heat from the sun, but not directly.

      Vegetables for our private garden

      • Cherry tomatoes:  They are ideal for our garden on the balcony. Start by buying the cuttings, and then prepare the pot with that enriched soil.

      As soon as it has grown a few centimeters, we must add a cane and tie its branches to serve as a guide and support. If it is very windy, you must protect it with a plastic around it.

      • Garlic:  You will need a large pot. In this case, a large plastic bottle cut in half would suit us very well. Introduce the garlic cloves to a good depth in the summer time.

      Let the sun shine on them and remember to water them only once a week, since they don’t like humidity very much.

      • Onions : You can have your own onion crop in the simplest way. You will also need a large pot and the bulbs already prepared. Plant them 3 cm deep and offer them a little water each day.

        They need a lot of sun, and have the disadvantage that they tend to suffer a lot from the attack of pests. Solution? Put the pot next to the aromatic plants, they will keep them away.

        However, you should have a little patience, because both garlic and onions take a long time to come out.

        As you can see, enjoying our own private garden is as easy as it is fun. Do you dare to start your project today?

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