Great Is The One Capable Of Shining Without Turning Off The Light Of Others

Whoever is able to shine with his own light does not need to turn off that of others. Those who find courage, optimism and motivation in their own being stop being dependent or wanting to control those around them.

It is possible that in your closest circle you have those special people who can give you hope in dark days. They are personalities who do not ask for anything in return, who are humble and sincere. Supports that inspire us to imitate them, in the best sense of the verb.

We live in a very complex society. At times, we may have the feeling that our wings are clipped, our voices are turned off and our rights are violated.

It is not easy to cut our way between competitiveness and all those social differences. This can sometimes make it so difficult for us to find our way, our happiness.

Now, we have to think that whatever our situation, it will always be worth turning on that light within us in which to shelter optimism and courage. In this way, we will light our way and we will be able to help others when necessary.

To shine you have to accept the dark, not deny it

It is often said that only children are able to shine with their own light. His innocence, his lack of evil, his desire to find motivations, his ability to get excited every day offer us certain very valuable life lessons. However, growing up, many of us sometimes forget.

Factors such as responsibilities or living in highly demanding environments where we are asked for more than we can offer often lead to accumulating disappointments, fears, anxieties and insecurities.

These are private corners where, little by little, darkness is settling. These, far from allowing us to grow personally, are going to ground us in a permanent situation of unhappiness. Therefore, it is necessary that we go “cleaning” these areas.

Detect dark areas to be able to shine

You have to detect your own enemies and deal with them. However, it is very common for us to integrate them into our personality almost without realizing it.

  • Limiting thoughts are dark areas. They say over and over again that we are not going to be able to handle this and that. It is we ourselves who put walls on the horizon. You need to identify these thoughts and deal with them.
  • Say no to mental noise. That is, the fact of thinking over and over again about yesterday’s mistakes and also the fact of remembering that fact that bothered you so much. All this generates discomfort and frustration.
  • Fears are the most dangerous depths of our being. There instinctive fears that allow us to survive: do not cross the red lights even come close to the cliffs .. Now, many of us harbor various unwarranted fears. These clip our wings and prevent us from achieving achievements, dreams.

    Do not project your own darkness on others

    Personal frustration can often cause people to project their anger, their rage on us. They can even hold us accountable for things that they themselves have not been able to accomplish.

    Depression and the brain

    Living bitterly is closing the windows to hope. In addition, sometimes, captives are even created. We can see it, for example, in those parents who veto the happiness of their children. These, with their personal darkness, can turn off the original light of children.

    It is not recommended. Each of us must be able to resolve our own voids, fears, and frustrations. Thus, we can advance in balance and be able to give the best of our being to others.

    Seeking your own light, not living envying someone else’s

    As that old saying goes, before waiting for a light to illuminate our path, it is always better to turn it on ourselves.

    • Instead of being passive agents of our destiny waiting for things to happen by themselves, we must be able to invest in illusion. We must be able to create, ignite positive, realistic and powerful thoughts to change our emotions. Thus, we can find more hopeful paths.
    • Whoever is capable of guarding hope in his heart, humility in his mind and illusion in his gaze will also bring light to others.
    • It is a process that we can start little by little by being more present, leaving the past in the trunk of integrated learning where there are no grudges. Thus, we can look at the “here and now” with more optimism, enjoying the little things without fear, without ties or grudges.

    To shine with its own light it is not necessary to turn off anyone

    Big people are not big because of their size, but because they are able to take care of themselves and bring well-being to others.

    As we have pointed out at the beginning, surely you know someone like that. Maybe it’s your mother, your brother or that friend who is always by your side. Take care of them and imitate them. Shining is not about being a person without defects or a so-called “being of light”, perfectly spiritual, it is about knowing how to combine personal strength, courage and good self-esteem, with the harmony of a good coexistence.

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