The Melon, Ideal For Losing Weight And Sleeping Better

Aromatic, refreshing and delicious, the melon can be taken in various ways, both alone or with it. Take advantage of its benefits by including it in your regular diet.

Melon is a delicious and refreshing fruit. Especially when it is consumed in summer, when it is in season. It is a good source of water and fiber, but it also provides some nutrients. Now, did you know that this fruit could be ideal to help you lose weight and sleep better?

Let’s see below more about the nutritional value of melon and also what its contribution could be when it comes to achieving certain goals. Take note of what we are going to tell you about!

What to know about the properties of melon?

The melon is a fruit that grows in sandy soils and with a lot of irrigation. It can weigh a kilo, it is yellowish in color and round in shape. Its pulp is similar in color to the skin, it is soft and juicy. In the center, it has a hollow cavity, on the edges of which the seeds are arranged in the form of a net.

You can get several varieties in the markets. In this sense, the two most popular varieties are the European and the American class.

Melon is a fruit rich in water.

Nutritional value

According to the experts of the 5 a day Association “ melon contains a very high amount of water (85-90%) and a lower amount of carbohydrates (7 to 8%) than other fruits (especially sucrose ) “. For this reason, it is part of the list of fruits with low caloric intake, along with watermelon and pineapple.

On the other hand, the experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation indicate that this is a food with a contribution of vitamins that is worth highlighting. Specifically, its contribution of vitamins A, B and C, and beta-carotenes, which contribute to the health of the entire body and the prevention of various diseases.

How could it help you lose weight?

Since the melon is a fruit rich in water and fiber, it is hydrating, digestive, diuretic and purifying. With which, when consumed, not only quenches thirst and hydrates, but also promotes good digestion and proper intestinal transit, which in turn helps reduce inflammation of the abdomen and lose volume (in terms of fluids).

Therefore, in the popular sphere it is said that it is possible to lose weight through the regular consumption of foods such as melon. However, there are some considerations to understand how this could provide real benefits:

  • Melon should be eaten within a balanced diet. An example is the Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to have positive effects on body composition.
  • Melon or similar foods (such as other fruits) should be given priority over edible, ultra-processed, snacks and industrial sweets.
  • It is essential that you maintain other good lifestyle habits (not just a good diet) in order to lose weight in a healthy way.
  • In addition, miracle diets should be avoided at all costs, which in addition to being too restrictive and easily promoting a rebound effect, put health at risk.

Smoothie with melon to appease hunger

Instead of drinking any industrial drink or eating any treat when you have a craving to eat, you can drink the next smoothie with melon.


  • 1 kiwi.
  • 1 green apple.
  • Water (sufficient quantity).
  • Lemon juice (to taste).
  • 2 cups of melon pulp cut into cubes.


  • Cut the apple into cubes.
  • Peel the kiwi.
  • Cut the melon into cubes.
  • Put everything in the blender and add a little water (less than half a glass) so that everything mixes well when processing.
  • Process everything until you achieve a homogeneous consistency.
  • Serve and enjoy.

Keep in mind that this recipe will help to create a state of satiety. The fiber it contains is capable of curbing appetite, according to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Could melon help you sleep?

According to popular wisdom, this healthy fruit is ideal for quenching our thirst in a hot moment both during the day and at night. Also, as it is satiating, it helps the stomach to be satiated all morning and thus we sleep well.

Some people consider that it is not advisable to eat melon at night, because it causes indigestion; however, this is not scientifically proven. Its content is basically water, so it would not have any component that can cause stomach problems. On the other hand, the problem might be in other issues, such as the other foods with which it is combined and the amounts that are eaten.

The other thing that can influence is the assimilation of the melon, if it is eaten very cold when it is too hot; This could cause a thermal “shock” in the body. On the other hand, it could also fall badly if it is not fully mature or if it has already passed.

Melon, a beneficial fruit

As long as it is consumed in the right portions per day, it should not cause side effects that prevent sleep, for example. To avoid discomfort, if the person has a delicate stomach, it is advisable not to eat it after dinner or shortly before going to bed.

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