Reducing Fat Is Possible With This Delicious Drink

Reducing belly fat is not an easy task. Who doesn’t have that little buildup of belly fat? This is normal, especially in women, since our metabolism makes us tend to store fat in this area, as well as those fluids that we do not purify properly.

Do you want to know a simple remedy that will be very good for you to reduce fat? Find out!

Reduce fat and eliminate liquids with this delicious drink

We can reduce fat with natural infusions

A two for one? Do we eliminate fluids and reduce fat? Yes, but it is not a miracle. It is a simple natural remedy that is as healthy as it is appropriate for everyday use.

Because sometimes, the most elementary remedies are the ones that offer us the best results, especially when it comes to medicinal plants. But what medicinal plants are we talking about? The ingredients in the following recipe are commonly used in the oldest traditional medicine or Ayurveda.

How do the ingredients of this drink help us?


This plant, in addition to being a great detoxifier capable of taking care of our kidneys and liver, stimulates purification and urine production. It deflates the abdomen, regulates the level of sugar in the blood and also helps to raise the defenses. Magnificent!

Minced fresh ginger

You already know the multiple benefits of ginger to reduce fat, cleanse and prevent inflammation. Numerous scientific studies agree that this medicinal plant can accelerate metabolism and, consequently, burn more fat. Ginger also gives us a feeling of satiety and is ideal to start the day.


Did you know that cinnamon is perfect for reducing fat and losing weight? That’s right, in addition to being delicious and combining with multiple dishes and infusions, cinnamon stands out as a very effective way to lower blood sugar. So there are no insulin spikes or sharp dips.

In addition, cinnamon raises the heat of the body producing several chemical reactions that manage to accelerate the metabolism. Thus, the excess calories end up being burned during the entire thermogenic process. It’s excellent.

The Mint

Do you like the exquisite taste of mint? Well, its medicinal properties are also very suitable to reduce fat, stimulate gastric functions, accelerating metabolism, and also improves the functioning of the gallbladder by increasing billiard secretion.

How do I prepare my remedy to reduce belly fat?



  • A tablespoon of dandelion root
  • A tablespoon of fresh grated ginger
  • A piece of cinnamon stick
  • 5 mint leaves
  • A glass and a half of water
  • Two tablespoons of honey

Remember to use organic ingredients whenever possible.

What we will do is a decoction of all the ingredients with the water. Once it comes to a boil, let it rest for about ten minutes. Then we will put our infusion in a glass bottle at room temperature. We will drink three cups a day for 3 days a week.

How do I take this delicious fat reduction remedy?

Very easy. We will take it in three doses throughout the day, three times a week. The first will be in the morning on an empty stomach, as soon as you get up. You will take it warm and on an empty stomach. It is important that all the ingredients are fresh. As you can see, they are quite inexpensive plants and you will have no problem finding them.

The second take we will do after lunch, in this way we facilitate digestion and purify much better.

The next and last take will be before bed. Remember that it should be warm. In addition, the mixture of honey, mint and ginger will also allow you to have a good rest. It is not just an infusion to reduce fat, it is an emulsifier and a tonic at the same time, a very digestive and healthy remedy.

As you already know, you should complement this remedy with a balanced diet free of harmful fats and regular exercise. You dare?

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