Utilities Of The Yogurt And Lemon Mask

The yogurt and lemon mask is a home beauty treatment that, according to popular beliefs, can contribute to skin health and even relieve certain discomforts, such as redness.

The yogurt would provide a cleansing, moisturizing and soothing base, while the lemon would thoroughly cleanse the skin, which would help reduce any impurities that it may present.

The main advantages offered by this homemade preparation are:

  • Easy to do. You just have to mix and apply. In less than 2 minutes, you will have it ready.
  • Ecological Since food is used in its preparation, the mixture does not promote contamination once it is disposed of in the organic waste container.

Next we will tell you more about this popular homemade mix so that you are encouraged to take advantage of it at home, when you want to pamper yourself. Take note!

Contributions of the yogurt and lemon mask

Girl with facial mask.


In the popular sphere, it is considered that yogurt, being a probiotic food that contains several nutrients, can improve the health of the skin. On the other hand, it is believed that due to its smooth and easy to handle texture it is easy to obtain a simple treatment.

When applying yogurt on the skin of the face (clean and dry) it is believed that:

  • Exfoliate in depth. Eliminates dead cells and facilitates cell regeneration.
  • Helps reduce redness and age spots while calming irritation.
  • Visibly reduces marks or scars.
  • Cleanses and reduces open pores.
  • Softens and firms, as it stimulates collagen production.
  • It is the ideal ally in the treatment against acne and blackheads.
  • Improves the appearance of the skin and gives it greater luminosity and freshness.


On the other hand, it is considered that lemon, being an acidic food rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, can help to cleanse the skin in depth and reduce the number of impurities that it may present.

Generally, what is used is its juice, although researchers have found that it is the essential oil of lemon that could really provide benefits to the health of the skin.

When applying lemon juice to the skin of the face (clean and dry) – alone or with other products such as yogurt – it is believed that:

  • The elimination of dead skin cells is facilitated and the cell regeneration process is accelerated.
  • It improves the elasticity of the skin, since it stimulates the production of collagen.
  • The skin is cleansed, acne is fought and the number of blemishes is reduced.

Preparation of the yogurt and lemon mask

The yogurt and lemon mask is generally prepared with the juice of this fruit. However, there are those who use a few drops of lemon essential oil instead. In both ways, the preparation is very simple, as you can see below.


  • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt (40 g).
  • 3 teaspoons of lemon juice (15 ml).


  • Squeeze the lemon juice.
  • Mix the yogurt with the lemon juice with the help of the spoon until you achieve a homogeneous mixture, which will be the yogurt and lemon mask.

Application mode

  • Apply the mixture with the help of a sponge making circular movements on the face and neck, with the help of the middle and ring fingers.
  • Avoid the eye contour, as this area is very delicate and should not be irritated.
  • Leave to act for a few minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of fresh water and soap.
  • Apply moisturizer.

Some advices

Woman washing her face in the sink.

  • This yogurt and lemon mask should always be used at night. It is not advisable to apply lemon on the face during the day, since with exposure to the sun it could cause spots on the skin.
  • Before applying the mask, it is recommended to wash the face and neck area well with warm water.
  • This mask can be transformed into a natural exfoliant, just add a tablespoon of honey, brown sugar or oatmeal (in flour or flakes).
  • It is not recommended to make too much mask to last several days, it is better to prepare only the one that is going to be used. Otherwise, it will go bad (even when stored in the refrigerator).
  • Only plain yogurt should be used. You should not use flavored or sugary yogurt.

What would be the most appropriate?

Although popular wisdom offers this type of home skin care treatments, it is important to always keep in mind that the best thing to do is to consult a dermatologist and follow their instructions.

It should be borne in mind that, although in some cases it can be beneficial, in others, the application of this mask can be counterproductive in certain types of skin, and can cause redness, spots, inflammation, etc.

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