Homemade Creams To Remove Blemishes From The Face

It is always good to use the natural to remove spots on the skin. However, in addition to applying these remedies, it is important to know the origin of the spots to avoid it and thus prevent its appearance.

The spots on the face can appear for various reasons:  the sun, pregnancy, oral contraceptives or acne, among others. Here are some simple and inexpensive recipes to make your own homemade creams and get rid of those annoying stains.

First of all, it is worth noting that, to avoid skin blemishes, it is best to eliminate the cause that originates them. Therefore, we must take care of our diet, avoid bad habits such as tobacco, use sunscreen and not sunbathe in the hours of more radiation. If the cause of the stain is another, the doctor’s instructions should be followed.

The different recipes that we offer here are easy to prepare and have the advantage of not containing aggressive ingredients for the skin. We recommend trying different recipes to see which one works best; not all skin types react in the same way.

Before applying the cream, it is very convenient to perform a gentle exfoliation of the skin to eliminate dead cells and enhance their regeneration.

To do this, following the trend of the natural, we can make a very inexpensive scrub with sodium bicarbonate, sugar or fine salt. We will apply it gently and mixed with oil, in case of dry skin.

Homemade creams to remove blemishes from the face

Whitening cream

This cream is especially suitable for the darkest spots, thanks to its ingredients being natural bleaches.


  • A few drops of hydrogen peroxide
  • 2 tablespoons powdered milk
  • A few drops of vegetable glycerin
  • A few drops of lemon juice


First, we will mix the ingredients well until we form a creamy paste. The next thing is to apply it on the skin before going to sleep and clean well with water in the morning, when we get up.

Nourishing oatmeal and lemon cream

This cream, in addition to helping us eliminate blemishes from the face, will also provide us with the nutritional benefits of oats and the purifying and cleansing properties of lemon.


  • 1/4 tablespoon finely ground rolled oats
  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


We must mix the ingredients and apply this lotion every day for a week. You have to let it take effect for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Oatmeal to combat anemia in pregnancy.

Aromatic orange cream

It is a delicious and inexpensive cream. We will prepare it using the skin of an orange, which we will expose to the sun previously, so that it dries.

When it is dry, we will grind it until we get a very fine powder. Then, we will mix it with milk and a few drops of vegetable glycerin in the following proportions:

  • 2 tablespoons orange peel powder
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • A few drops of glycerin

As a last step, we will apply it and let it act until it dries, and then rinse with warm water. The orange aroma will be unmistakable and delicious.

Honey and turmeric cream

This cream contains highly therapeutic ingredients. It is not only effective in removing blemishes from the face, but also in nourishing and reducing inflammation of the skin.

For these reasons, it is ideal for delicate skin or eczema. This cream is especially recommended for spots that are lighter in color than the skin.

To prepare it, we will mix quality honey with turmeric powder until we get a thick texture.  Afterwards, it only remains to apply this mask for half an hour and clean well with water.

Refreshing and antioxidant lotion

This lotion is very refreshing and lighter than the previous recipes; especially recommended for oily skin and for hot weather.


  • Half a cup of cucumber juice
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable glycerin
  • Half a cup of rose water


Mix the ingredients well and apply this lotion with a spray every morning and at bedtime. It is not necessary to rinse it with water, as it will also help us to tone the skin.

Some final tips

In addition to the preparations that we discussed previously, these ingredients will also help us prepare our personal recipes to remove blemishes from the face.

  • Lemon is ideal for lightening, cleaning and disinfecting the skin; However, it can be a bit strong if we have delicate skin, in which case we should apply it mixed with glycerin.

Lemon benefits.

  • Aloe vera is a plant that helps us hydrate oily skin and also heal acne marks and wounds. We can use it directly from the plant, or buy one of the gels sold in pharmacies and herbalists.
  • Rosehip oil is highly regenerating and healing;  ideal for dry and mature skin.
  • Vitamin E, which is used as a preservative in many cosmetics, helps us cleanse the skin, give it shine, and remove marks and blemishes.
  • Geranium essential oil has regenerative properties for the skin, so we recommend adding a few drops to our stain remover cream.

As you can see, nature provides us with countless ingredients to take care of our health. It is just a matter of knowing how to use them correctly to remove blemishes from your face and look radiant every day.

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