8 Tips To End A Relationship Without Hurting

Ending a relationship in a healthy and considerate way with the other person can be the beginning of a process of healing and positive growth.

In most cases, ending a relationship is not easy at all. The reasons are that emotions are on the surface and that it is difficult for us to close the cycle. After all, saying goodbye is never easy.
In this situation, we must not only deal with our own inner world but also with the other person’s emotions.

When we really care about a person, we worry about finding the words or gestures that do the least harm to the other. In this way, it can be said that we are looking for a guarantee of improvement.

To get both of you to move on and find your own way , once the relationship is over, you need to keep the following aspects in mind.

1. Don’t wait for the perfect moment

Do not wait for the perfect moment

There are people who do not dare to end a relationship because they believe that there is an ideal time to do so. On the contrary, the reality is very different. There is no ideal time to take this step and, therefore, it should not be delayed by waiting for it.

Our recommendation is that, the moment you feel that the relationship you are in is over, prepare yourself to end it. To prepare, you can start by stopping planning altogether. This will prepare you to start that conversation.

Remember that you don’t need anyone’s permission or be better than anyone else to end a relationship. It is enough that you do not want it anymore and are able to maintain confidence in yourself, in your choices and your good will.

In the same way, remember to be assertive. According to this study conducted by the Autonomous University of Mexico, it is likely that your ex-partner will have to deal with a series of stages of grief.

2. Prepare the environment to end the relationship

Once you are ready to end a relationship, find a quiet place where you can have a good conversation.
Avoid distractions and stressful items and places. Thus, it can be anywhere they feel comfortable, where it is easy for them to converse without feeling observed or criticized.

3. Don’t forget to mention the good things about the other

While it is true that sincerity is essential in any conversation. When ending a relationship it is essential.

In addition to this, it is important to remember what the positive aspects of the relationship were, as well as some of its qualities to let that person know that we do appreciate it and that we took it into consideration at all times.


Sometimes we are afraid to start this conversation because we know that we will immediately be labeled the villain of the story. However, if you are very clear that the relationship is no longer working, it is necessary to talk as soon as possible. This will give both of you the opportunity to grow and seek other links.

4. Avoid ending a relationship without showing your face

Digital media can facilitate communication but are unable to completely replace certain issues. When ending a relationship it is best to meet, in person, to show your face. We all need time for us. Especially when we need explanations.

Think: do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you. In case you are worried about explaining yourself wrong, organize your ideas first. You can use any medium you like, even a sheet of paper. The important thing is to be in a physical space and spend time with the person.

5. Make sure you use the clearest words

Sometimes we think that having a conversation to end a relationship is understood without being too clear. The problem is that what is obvious for some is not so for others.

Make sure to use clear words to end a relationship.

To avoid any confusion or that your partner is left with doubts, be specific with your words : “break up”, “stop being a couple”, “separate”. This will help both of you have a good understanding of what is going on and is the first step to move forward.

6. Don’t compare

Even if you think you have the worst love relationship, do not compare it to another. Comparisons are obnoxious and do not add up anything good.
Keep in mind that it is something that both have worked on and, although it did not always work, surely there were good times.

If you now have another relationship or are dating someone and that is why you have decided to end your current partner, avoid making the other feel bad. It is not healthy for you or for anyone.

7. Assume your responsibilities and avoid punishing

In a relationship there are two and those two are responsible for what happens. For this reason, blaming your partner for making the decision to end the relationship is unhealthy. Remember that blaming the other for what was wrong implies that a punishment is necessary and you do not have to punish anyone.

Assume your responsibilities and avoid punishing

8. Take a break

During a breakup, it is normal for there to be many conflicting emotions. At some point, your partner may be rude or make comments that will hurt you. When you detect that this is happening, offer a moment of respite. Get out there and take a walk or just choose to look at the horizon and be quiet for a few minutes.

With these tips to end a relationship, we hope you can get through this moment in the best possible way. Cheer up!

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