How To Increase Metabolism With Green Tea And Cayenne Pepper

We already know that green tea helps you lose weight, like cayenne pepper, because of its capsaicin content. How about combining them to speed up our metabolism?

A group of researchers has conducted a study to determine how to increase metabolism with green tea and cayenne pepper due to the supposed effects that these substances could have on energy expenditure.

You can know the results in this article.

Spicy food has its benefits when planning a diet to lose weight, and tea is one of the few known plants that help achieve this goal. What happens if they are consumed in the same intake?

Metabolism and food

There are some foods that have the ability to speed up metabolism and increase the amount of energy we use on a daily basis. They are known as thermogenics, since they make the body burn more calories than it normally burns.

Basically, all foods that contain the substances mentioned below have this ability.

The “hot” components are capsaicin (in hot ones) and catechin and caffeine (in tea).

5 ways to boost your metabolism

Capsaicin to increase metabolism

If you have ever eaten a hot pepper in your meal you will have experienced a horrible burning sensation in your eyes, nose, mouth, throat and stomach. Perhaps you have suddenly cried, sweated or felt very thirsty.

All of this is produced by capsaicin. This component of spicy foods helps increase metabolic rate. The following study published in the “International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition” clarifies the physiological mechanisms of weight loss from the intake of these substances. The bad news is that no matter how much you drink cold water, the fire will not disappear from your mouth. You can try a glass of milk, which has better results.

Capsaicin activates so-called “flight” hormones like adrenaline and dopamine. Some of the effects are a racing heartbeat, rapid deep breathing, or movement of fats and glucose into the blood to get the muscles ready for action.

There are different foods and condiments that have a large amount of capsaicin, such as cayenne pepper or chili. You can gradually add this spice to your dishes or starters.

The good news is that it will improve the taste of your food and your metabolism will slowly kick into action, without such drastic consequences as inflammation of the mouth, thirst or excessive perspiration.

Catechin to increase metabolism

This substance has properties similar to capsaicin. Green tea contains catechin but also caffeine, therefore, the effect is greater, although we cannot perceive it in the mouth or eyes. In addition, it offers antioxidant phytochemicals, which increase the oxidation of fat, that is, they burn it.

The following study published in the journal “Physiology and Behavior” shows the properties of these substances contained in tea on the reduction or maintenance of body weight.

How is it achieved? By activating enzymes that have the task of metabolizing food.

This means that after consuming green tea  your body will have the ability to function more quickly.


Green tea does not work for everyone to lose weight, although studies confirm over and over again that it is one of the most effective remedies for weight loss. This is because weight loss occurs from the sum of healthy habits at the dietary level and the practice of exercise on a regular basis. Tea does not have such a great capacity to produce weight loss under unfavorable dietary conditions.

Combine green tea and cayenne pepper

We can’t think of recipes for drinking green tea and eating pepper at the same time, although for some people it may be delicious. What you can do is start adding both foods to your daily diet from now on.

If you incorporate capsaicin and catechin into your body, it will automatically begin to metabolize faster, which will help you  burn calories or fat.

These compounds are used to reduce “cravings” or the urge to eat at any time, especially salty foods or fast food full of fat.

They will reduce your appetite and help you have more strength and energy to carry out the day to day.

What other foods increase metabolism?

In addition to green tea and cayenne, if you want to increase your metabolism and burn fat faster, do not hesitate to consume the following foods:

Whole grains

Like for example, oatmeal and brown rice. They are packed with carbohydrates and complex nutrients that stabilize insulin levels while also speeding up metabolism.

They offer you, in turn, a lot of energy and are healthier than foods full of sugar. On the other hand, they contain a large amount of fiber that will give you satiety.

Daniel oat flakes


It has a large amount of calcium, which is used to reduce fat, but also has vitamins A, C and K.

A serving of broccoli will provide you with dietary fibers and antioxidants within a very low caloric density.

Vegetable soup

To be able to enjoy all the nutrients, it must be vegetable and not cube or concentrate. If you have soup before lunch or dinner (as a starter), you can increase satiety before lunch, so you will eat less food, while continuing to nourish yourself.

To keep in mind!

Introducing pepper or spicy foods and green tea into your diet will improve body composition and weight loss.

However, these foods do not produce magic by themselves. To notice its effects you have to eat a varied and balanced diet and exercise regularly.

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