What Is An Alkaline Diet For?

The balance between acids and alkalis is decisive for good health. Discover what you should eat and what you have to avoid to balance the body.

For several years there has been a lot of talk about the alkaline diet, a way to detoxify the body and eliminate everything that makes you sick. Perhaps you have listened to it without knowing in depth what it is about.

This type of diet is based on the premise that, to be healthy, the body must be clean and balanced, with a balanced Ph. Here we explain everything you need to know about the alkaline diet.

Alkaline detox diet

Alkaline detox diet

The alkaline diet is not about a fad or something of the 21st century, since the first studies on it date back to 1865. In that year the French doctor and biologist Claude Bernard spoke of the need to maintain living conditions in inside the body.

Basically what this scientist wanted to say was that the balance of the body can be guaranteed without being altered by external factors.

Shortly after, in 1907, Dr. William Howard Hay indicated that diseases such as osteoarthritis or rheumatism were caused by high levels of acidity, one of the consequences of changes in eating habits.


A century later, the followers of this type of food are increasing. These, as a first step, consider the customs when eating and analyze what is vital and what is “cultural”.

The objective of eating food should be to nourish ourselves and provide what the body needs, as well as to maintain a neutral pH. The foods that are eaten today affect the acidity of the blood or urine.

Processed foods, hormones or chemicals create a perfect environment for viruses, bacteria and pathogens to reproduce without problems.

An alkaline diet tries to balance the body in its natural state and in balance. Some foods like cheese and red meat have a very low pH, unlike vegetables and brown rice. However, there is no evidence to confirm that it is possible to vary the body’s pH through diet.

What happens when the diet is not alkaline?

melon and kiwi smoothie

If we do not consume those foods included in the alkaline list, what is called “acidosis” occurs (when the pH level is too acidic).

Added to the current type of food, stress and negative feelings are a dangerous combination for the body.

The body must compensate for this imbalance with alkaline minerals that, at a certain point, “run out.” Some of the consequences of acidosis are:

  • Little absorption of important nutrients.
  • Decreased cellular energy
  • Less detoxification of heavy metals.
  • Reduced ability to repair damaged cells.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Increased illness and fatigue.

It can then be said that the alkaline diet is restorative, since it restores the health that has been lost due to “normal” eating habits. It allows a return of minerals to the body and, therefore, the proper functioning of cells and organs.

Anyway, the most positive aspect is that this kind of diet is very restrictive in trans fats. These nutrients have been shown to promote inflammation and increase the risk of illness.

How to carry out an alkaline diet

Eat fruits rich in water

Starting with this type of diet is essential although, of course, it is not something that can be achieved overnight.

The good news is that changes and improvements are seen within a few days of starting the diet.

To enjoy good health, it is essential that your intakes include 60% alkaline foods and 40% acids (of course, we should not eliminate this group completely).

However, initially a ratio of 80/20 is recommended in favor of alkalis.

The pH scale goes from 0 to 14. Levels below 7 are acidic, which means that the body has little oxygen. This is when we are most prone to disease.

Among the main benefits of the alkaline diet we can highlight the prevention of certain pathologies such as, for example, arthritis, migraines and any type of inflammation. It also regulates calcium levels in the blood, improves bone, muscle and cardiovascular health and strengthens the immune system. Anyway, it should be noted that all these effects have not been evidenced by science.

What is clear is that reducing the intake of simple sugars can have a lot to do with these commented benefits, according to a study published in Frontiers in Bioscience.

What are alkaline foods?

The alkaline foods that allow you to regain health are divided into 6 groups that can be divided into 3 categories according to their consumption recommendation:

Those that should be eaten sparingly:

  • Algae and foods with probiotics.
  • Herbs, green juices.

Regardless, experts differ greatly on this point. There is evidence that foods with probiotics are very beneficial for health in generating, improving digestion, metabolic and immune function.

Those high in protein that should be consumed moderately:

  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Sprouts and legumes.

Those that can be consumed generously: 

  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Green leafy vegetables.

Attention, because within these groups there are some foods that acidify the body. For example corn, blueberries, wheat flour, ice cream and oils.

As for meats, they are the least alkaline food that exists. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid them as well as animal products such as dairy and eggs.

The fish are also considered as acidic foods. However, fish such as salmon, truca and sardines compensate their values ​​with other benefits, such as the contribution of vitamins B12, antioxidants, calcium and magnesium, among other nutrients.

Green juices, essential in an alkaline diet, deserve a separate paragraph. They are made with chard, spinach, maca, broccoli, cucumber…. And all the combinations we want.

They are consumed at any time of the day and can be quickly prepared in the blender.

Alkaline diet, an unscientific solution

As you have seen, the alkaline diet promises many benefits, but nevertheless it has not been substantiated from a scientific point of view. While it is true that emphasizing the consumption of vegetables is very positive, entire groups of edibles should not be restricted.

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