5 Ideas For Perfect Honeymoons

The first trip as spouses is the perfect time to think about nothing more than to be with each other and to indulge each other. The destination does not matter, but the experience. In this article we give you ideas for the perfect honeymoons.

Where will they go on their honeymoon?

It is one of the most common questions that are asked – and are asked – when they decide to get married. What is the ideal destination to celebrate this important event? Some say that a paradise beach is the best place to start this adventure together (even if you already live in the same house, being married is different).

However, it all depends on the tastes of each one and, of course, both. No need to travel thousands of miles away for your honeymoon. The important thing is that both of you feel good and have a great time.

If you are one of the more ‘traditional’ who prefer a beach destination, you can opt for the Seychelles islands, considered as “the islands of love”, since the hotels specialize in stays for honeymooners and, also, because the landscape is impressive .

Enjoy the beach as a couple.

Another option is to go to the Maldives islands, where the hotels are literally in the sea and you can enjoy different SPA treatments, massages and body care. That without neglecting excursions and adventures.

And what if they prefer the mountains? They can choose the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Norwegian fjords, Argentine Patagonia or the western United States. They will be able to combine love and adventure in dream landscapes!

Many “newlyweds” also choose places close to their homes, as a kind of ‘rural getaway’, but for more days. That prevents them from having to move too much, they can even use their own vehicle and avoid adding more things to the wedding organization.

And, of course, there are always those who prefer to visit a big city like London, New York or Paris for their first married trip. It will be an unforgettable experience!

Keys to perfect honeymoons

The choice of the destination and the activities to be carried out is essential, but of course there are other issues that we cannot ignore. Pay attention to these keys to perfect honeymoons:

1. Do everything as a couple

Couple on the beach.

The honeymoon – like the holidays – is the only time when you can let go of problems and obligations. And it is also ideal to enjoy timeshare. When they return to the routine they will not have so many free hours.

Doing everything as a couple means enjoying both a massage and an excursion, having a chat in front of the sea or a meal in a restaurant overlooking the Seine River. The important thing is that both are comfortable and in the present moment.

On the other hand, we recommend that you do not get saturated with activities and excursions. They’ve had a busy year (or several months) planning the wedding and honeymoon to have to go from here to there.

They can see many beautiful places without waking up at dawn and falling asleep after midnight. Or they can also enjoy a day of relaxation for each day of activities.

2. Define the budget

One of the main reasons for discussion in the couple is money. Surely you have already experienced it when they organized the wedding. Therefore, it is necessary that they define the budget that they will allocate for the honeymoon.

Take into account the expenses you will have to face when you return from your ‘love bubble’ and if you can really afford a trip.

If they already know in advance how much they can spend or at least how much is the maximum acceptable so that their economy does not suffer too much, they will avoid fights or bad times on a trip that should be perfect.

3. Disconnect from the world

In addition to doing everything in pairs, keep in mind that the honeymoon is the journey of the couple and no one else. Therefore, mobile phones, laptops or any electronic device they have should stay at home (or at least in the hotel room).

These days there are no work meetings, social networks, two-hour calls with friends or family. .. Only two people who love each other and are enjoying an unforgettable trip.

4. Pay attention to the sun and food

This is very important for perfect honeymoons, as heat stroke, indigestion or poisoning can spoil everything. If you love to lie in the sun on the beach, use protection factor; If you want to try exotic dishes, as long as it is in moderation.

Check if the water is drinkable, what are the main diseases of the place and, above all, try to be careful to avoid bumps, falls or accidents that lead to a return early.

5. Think about the here and now


No matter how many days you have your honeymoon, for nothing in the world think about when to return to the routine. Wake up every morning with the idea that ‘only today is worth’ and enjoy every minute of that beautiful experience.

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