Treat Joint Pain With Turmeric And Ginger Remedies

Although joint pain can have its origin in many causes, it is common that it is mainly due to problems associated with wear and tear. Examples of this are arthritis, which according to this Mayo Clinic study, is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of the joints.

It should also be added that these types of ailments are usually chronic. Therefore, in addition to following the treatment prescribed by doctors, it will be appropriate to take care of our lifestyle. As well as resorting to the alternatives that nature can offer us.

Among the natural alternatives that exist, we can find some very interesting that can help fight joint swelling, such as, for example, mentioning 2 of them very important, are ginger and turmeric. 

Join us and discover why! …

Why can ginger help relieve joint pain?

When a patient begins to experience joint pain, the first thing they usually feel is usually:

  • Stiffness in the joints.
  • Inflammation.
  • Numbness.
  • Pain that sometimes becomes more intense at night.

Starting from here, it is interesting to know that, when this joint pain begins, what is happening is that the cells that make the components of cartilage stop doing so. As this study shows, it happens that collagen or proteoglycans disappear.

This leads to inflammation in the joints. The cartilage softens, loses resistance and becomes much thinner, which means that the bone no longer has protection.

However, we must also bear in mind that in osteoarthritis, in addition to the loss of cartilage, there is also an inflammation of the synovial membrane. This protects the bones, and its loss causes friction to the surrounding muscles and weakens our joints.

Not only do we suffer severe pain, but we lose mobility and become “incapacitated.” How can ginger help us in these cases?

Take note of these interesting aspects:

  • Ginger contains in its composition gingerols and shogaols, a type of very effective oleoresins that, according to this study, is used to treat inflammation. These reduce, in turn, the chemicals that generate pain in the processes of arthritis or rheumatism.
  • We must also bear in mind that ginger promotes detoxification of the body. In particular, of those toxins that usually appear during infections and inflammation due to joint pain.
  • Ginger is known, especially within popular belief, for being a natural alternative similar to ibuprofen, but it can never be a substitute for it, as long as it is previously prescribed by a professional.

Why can turmeric help relieve joint pain?


The active ingredient in turmeric is “curcumin”, widely used to treat ailments associated with inflammation, especially in Asian countries. It is also used in case of traumatic bumps, toothaches, bruises and, of course, joint pain.

  • The anti-inflammatory action of turmeric, according to this study by the University of Granada, is based above all on its ability to reduce the release of inflammatory mediators. In turn, it stimulates the production of cortisone in the adrenal glands.

How can I take ginger and turmeric to treat joint pain?


 What I need?

  • 5g turmeric
  • 5 g of fresh ginger root
  • 1 stick of cinnamon (5 g)
  • A liter of water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)

How do I prepare it?

  • It is very simple. The first thing we will do is bring the liter of water to boil.
  • Then, when it comes to a boil, add the ginger, cinnamon and turmeric so that it cooks properly for 30 minutes. In this way, its active ingredients will stay in the water.
  • After this time, turn off the heat and let this infusion rest for about 15 minutes.
  • Strain all the content and keep the infusion.
  • Sweeten with 25 g of honey and transfer the entire contents to a dark glass bottle. You don’t have to leave it in the fridge. Store it in a place out of the sun and keep it at room temperature.

How do I take this remedy?

  • We will take the first cup on an empty stomach. The following we will take 20 minutes after meals.
  • You should see for yourself how you feel. It usually does not cause any side effects and is a great anti-inflammatory remedy thanks to the combination of the components.

In addition to ginger and turmeric,  we have also added honey and cinnamon, very suitable for treating joint pain.

We hope it helps you on a day-to-day basis In any case, it is necessary that you consult with your doctor to treat the pain in the best possible way.

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