5 Benefits Of Consuming Peppermint

Peppermint has different health properties, but are they scientifically based? In this article, we tell you all about it.

Peppermint is one of the many varieties in the well-known mint family. The benefits attributed to the consumption of peppermint are many but not all have studies to support them. Next, we present the most outstanding ones and we tell you if there is scientific evidence in this regard … or not.

Although this plant was used more in the times of the Greeks and Romans, it became famous in the 18th century for its use to relieve stomach problems.  And, before that, during the Middle Ages it was used to freshen breath and whiten teeth.

Today, its consumption is very popular. Thanks to menthol, the active ingredient in peppermint, natural medicine recommends it to alleviate various health and beauty problems.

5 possible benefits of consuming peppermint

Although different studies point to the beneficial health properties of peppermint, keep in mind that the data is not 100% conclusive. In case of any discomfort, consult your trusted doctor.

1. It would stimulate digestion

Peppermint is very famous for its use for the relief of stomach problems. Carminative and antispasmodic, it could help alleviate different digestive system disorders, such as gas, bloating, nausea, indigestion, and colic, as noted in the Handbook of Herbs and Spices .

Improved digestion.

It would even be effective in relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. A study from 2019 indicates that those people who consumed peppermint capsules for several weeks had a reduction in the symptoms of this disease.

On the other hand, this plant would help to alleviate stomach problems, acting on the relaxation of the smooth muscles in the digestive tract. To take advantage of this quality, you can prepare a cup of peppermint tea.

2. Soothing for headaches

Another benefit attributed to peppermint is its ability to relieve headaches. Peppermint, like other varieties of peppermint, contains menthol, a compound that would act as a muscle relaxant. It would soothe pain in two ways: rubbing oil on the affected area or inhaling its aroma.

3. Peppermint against colds and flu

Some research suggests that menthol, its active ingredient, may help reduce chest congestion and clear mucus. This plant could also soothe a sore throat. To achieve this, you should add a few drops of peppermint oil to a humidifier and breathe deeply.

4. It would relieve skin irritation

Thanks to the antibacterial and antioxidant properties pointed out in an article in the Arabian Journal of Chemistry, it is believed that it could soothe irritated skin caused by insect bites, burns, and also rashes caused by poison ivy and poison oak or others.

On the other hand, a study on essential oils indicated that peppermint, among others, would have an antifungal action. Keep in mind that if you suffer from fungi, you should see your doctor to adopt the most appropriate treatment for you. Consult with him about the possibility of using peppermint oil to support the prescription.

5. Peppermint for bad breath

Since peppermint is antibacterial and antimicrobial, as we have already pointed out, traditional medicine recommends chewing the leaves of this plant or rinsing with a preparation made with it can keep bad breath at bay.

Peppermint against bad breath.

Other health benefits of peppermint

In addition to those previously mentioned, we can list some other benefits attributed to the habitual consumption of peppermint:

  • Its carotene content gives it the quality of being an antioxidant. Remember that antioxidants are molecules that fight against free radicals and help prevent oxidative damage and therefore the appearance of premature aging and diseases such as cancer.
  • According to animal studies, it could help correct hormonal problems: for example, those that cause hirsutism, which produces irregular hair and hair growth in women. It is because its intake (which can be made in the form of tea) would reduce the level of androgens.
  • Thanks to its antiseptic and analgesic properties, it is believed that it could be used to disinfect wounds. However, there is no scientific data on this.

As you can see, consuming peppermint could help alleviate some symptoms of certain discomforts. Like other times we talk about natural remedies, we remind you that these do not exempt you from visiting the doctor. Herbs can serve as a support to the treatment prescribed by the specialist but in no way do they take their place.

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