These Nuts Have Incredible Benefits For Your Health

Despite their bad reputation, nuts can be very beneficial to our health, as long as we do not overindulge and take them in proportions moderate.

We all know that nuts are a kind of elixir for health and beauty. Arguably, they are the foods that concentrate the most nutrients in the smallest size.

As if that were not enough, they provide fats of vegetable origin, more than healthy. In this article we tell you what the properties of each dried fruit are and which one you should consume according to your illness or disease.

Nuts, the most complete on the market


The World Health Organization (WHO) has included nuts in the list of recommended foods for a healthy diet. Many times we do not consume them in the appropriate amount and therefore we cannot enjoy all their benefits.

The problem is not that we consume little … but that we do it wrong. Of course, because in many cases we eat them fried and with salt, as snacks, or accompanied by flour and sugar, as desserts.

Nuts are healthy if and only if we eat them raw and are next to a healthy preparation, such as a salad or steamed vegetables. The daily dose recommended by the Heart Foundation is around 50 grams.

These small foods are ideal supplements to treat a wide range of ailments and meet some of our basic needs. Although by themselves they are not miraculous, they could help us in various treatments.

Tell me what you have and I’ll tell you what dried fruit to eat

For every common ailment in today’s society there is at least one dried fruit that can improve the condition. We tell you the most outstanding ones:

For high cholesterol: almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts

All three contain monounsaturated fatty acids that improve cardiovascular health and also help lower fat and cholesterol. Consuming 60 grams a day of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts (in total) can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels by almost 8%.

Also these nuts prevent heart disease and balance blood pressure, according to a study published in Current Atherosclerosis Reports . In the particular case of hazelnuts, they have been found to decrease an amino acid called homocysteine ​​that can damage the lining of the arteries.

In addition, almonds have flavonoids that take care of the circulatory system in general.

For constipation: macadamias, walnuts and pistachios

Macademias, walnuts and pistachios

When we can’t go to the bathroom and “move our belly” they recommend raisins or stewed plums. This is because both contain a good dose of fiber. However, these grandmother remedies are not the only options.

It has been proven in several studies that pistachios provide 10% of this nutrient, walnuts 6.5% and macadamias 5%.

It is worth saying that these foods have the ability to minimize the risk of colon cancer. A handful of any of these nuts a day has proven to be perfect for reducing constipation.

For the overweight: almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts

The same “combo” as for high cholesterol. It is often believed that nuts are not suitable for obese people, but this is not true. If consumed in reasonable amounts, they can be very good for losing weight.

Those who consume almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts regularly have less chance of gaining weight and developing obesity. This is due in large part to the satiety index.

By consuming ¼ cup of nuts we will be adding enough calories to take away our hunger for several hours. They also provide excellent quality vegetable oils.

For diabetes: almonds, cashews, pine nuts and pistachios

These nuts offer a good amount of trace elements (including iron, calcium and magnesium). If we only focus on one of these nutrients, magnesium, we must indicate that cashews provide 292 mg per 100 grams, almonds 270 mg and pine nuts 251 mg.

It is proven that magnesium is good against insulin resistance and therefore prevents the development of diabetes or worsens the patient’s situation. As for potassium, pistachios have 1025 mg per 100 grams and its deficiency is a risk factor for diabetes.

For degenerative problems: almonds and hazelnuts

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are two of the most common degenerative diseases. Nuts in general and almonds and hazelnuts in particular can reduce the chances of suffering from them.

This is because they have a good dose of vitamin E, which prevents cognitive decline over time. Almonds have 25.6 mg per 100 grams and hazelnuts 17.5 mg.

For painful periods: pistachios


If PMS is really a problem for you, if you suffer from very painful periods or if you are too irritable on those days, pistachios are the nuts that can help you the best.

They provide a good amount of vitamin B6, which, according to several studies, reduces pre-menstrual depression. They also serve to satisfy the appetite and not eat because of anxiety (another of the typical problems).

Pistachio has 1.7 mg of vitamin B6 per 100 grams.

For fatigue: almonds

If you want to perform more in sports or at work, if you feel that you fall asleep in any place and it is difficult for you to fulfill your daily obligations, almonds will be your allies.

You should consume 75 grams a day to regulate lipid stores, oxygen transport and metabolism. As if that were not enough, they are also antioxidants.

For descaling bones: almonds and pine nuts


Nuts are a good source of calcium and are recommended for those who do not consume dairy due to being intolerant or following a vegan lifestyle. Among those that provide the most this nutrient we find almonds (269 mg per 100 grams).

In the case of pine nuts, they have a considerable portion of zinc (6.45 mg per 100 grams), a mineral that favors the formation and strengthening of bones.

A handful of both a day and… tougher bones! Ideal for the elderly and women after menopause.

Eat nuts

Nuts are part of a healthy diet. For this reason, you should not hesitate when introducing them in snacks. Its contribution of macro and micronutrients will help to improve the functioning of the body, thus helping to prevent complex pathologies.

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