5 Essential Oils And Their Benefits

There are many essential oils that provide many benefits for our health. Today, many people use essential oils in different ways. So today we are going to shed some light on some of them.

Discovering some essential oils and their benefits will allow us to obtain, in our bath, massage or other routine, benefits that we had never imagined. The best thing is that they can be used in multiple ways. Something fantastic! 

Essential oils and their benefits

We are going to discover some essential oils and their benefits, but in this case we are not going to focus on their aesthetic purposes. Rather, we are going to focus on its utilities to improve our physical and psychological health.

1. Basil

essential oils and their benefits

Today, many people suffer from stress, mental fatigue, anxiety and a torrent of worry that affects their psychological health. For this reason, one of the essential oils that helps the well-being of all this is basil.

  • Basil helps relieve stress and anxiety headaches.
  • Likewise, it is also powerful for those who suffer from migraines.

Putting the essential oil in a compress and applying it on the forehead for a few minutes will help alleviate these discomforts. Other types of essential oils that can also help you with stress are cedar and lavender.

2. Anise

This type of essential oil is highly recommended for all those people who suffer from gas. Instead of using a medicine, you can put this essential oil on the affected area. As well as helping gas and abdominal cramps, it  also benefits those women who are going through menstruation. This essential oil relieves pain and discomfort that your period may cause.

3. Eucalyptus

essential oils and their benefits

Eucalyptus dipped in hot water was one of the grandmother’s remedies to decongest the nasal passages in situations of flu or colds. Today, this remedy continues to work.

What should you do?

  • The way to use this essential oil is to boil water in a large pot with this essential oil inside.
  • After a few minutes we will remove the pot from the heat or turn it off and, putting a towel around our head, we will try to suck the steam out of the pot, being careful not to burn ourselves.
  • It is recommended between 5 and 10 minutes. What this vapor with eucalyptus will do is decongest our nostrils so that we can breathe better.

4. Mint

Peppermint is another of the essential oils that will help our psychological well-being. Many people suffer from thoughts that cause anxiety and that prevent them from enjoying the day to day. Taking a relaxing bath with mint will allow you to clear your thoughts and make your mind much clearer. Without prejudice to the corresponding psychological therapy, it can help you relieve tensions of the moment.

5. Jasmine


Jasmine is an essential oil that is considered an aphrodisiac. Therefore, it is highly recommended for massages between couples. It is an excellent option to avoid having to buy an oil for this purpose. Likewise,  jasmine also works as a stimulant and mood lifter. It can help us on those days when we lack motivation, laziness invades us or our mood is low.

To finish: essential oils have no contraindications

The good thing about essential oils is that they have no contraindications. All they are going to provide us with are positive things. In case we do not see their benefits, they will not harm us. Many times,  we can take advantage of essential oils and their benefits thanks to the diffusers  that have become so fashionable. However, as we have seen, it can be used in other ways by applying them directly to the body.

Sometimes, for example, if our head hurts we could even apply and massage the corresponding essential oil into our hair. However, this already depends on the person and if you prefer, better, apply it on the forehead. The results will be similar.  Have you used essential oils and their benefits? How was your experience?

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