Easy Exercises To Do At Work

Practicing this exercise routine in the morning and in the afternoon will help you avoid discomfort in muscles and joints.

If in your daily routine you do not find the time to do sports, not even to stretch, you are interested in knowing some easy exercises that you can do at work. They will help you keep some joints in shape and prevent back pain .

If for work reasons you spend many hours sitting in the same position in front of the computer, you should know that at any time you may suffer from any of these problems:

  • Visual fatigue (due to decreased blinking).
  • Back, neck and shoulder pain.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (in the wrist from the use of the mouse and keyboard).
  • Tendinitis due to repetition of certain movements.
  • Fluid retention.
  • Tingling in the lower extremities.
  • Swelling of the ankles

To avoid or reduce these symptoms, experts advise doing an easy exercise routine that will take you at most twenty minutes. If you wish, you can divide it into two parts; doing one in the middle of the morning and another in the middle of the afternoon.

Easy workout routine for mid-morning

Easy exercises for work are essential.

  1. Turn your head to the right side until your chin is as close to the shoulder line as possible, hold for a few minutes and return to center. Do it for the left side and repeat two more times for each side.
  2. Tilt your head back, opening your mouth slightly to further relax the muscles in the back of your neck. Stay a while and return to the center. Now lower your head so that your chin touches your chest. Repeat the series two more times.
  3. Roll your shoulders up until they touch your ears and hold for ten seconds. Rest another ten and repeat three more times.
  4. Spread your legs and bring one knee up, supporting it with your hands. Hold 30 seconds, go down and switch legs. Repeat three more times on each side.
  5. Balance the sole of the foot starting at the toe and ending at the heel , repeat three times.
  6. Make circular movements with your ankles, clockwise and counterclockwise.

Easy workout routine for mid-afternoon

  1. Bring your right hand over your left ear, lean your head to the right side and hold for a few seconds. Return to the center and repeat with the other hand. Do three reps on each side.
  2. Bring your shoulders to your ears and circle them back first and then forward. Rest 30 seconds and repeat two more times.
  3. Standing, spread your legs a little, contract your abdomen, lean your back forward and stretch your arms, as much as you can. Count to ten and return to the starting position. Always with a straight back. Repeat three times.
  4. Walk exaggeratedly, touching your heel and toe for ten seconds.
  5. Clasp your hands close to your chest and rotate your wrists back and forth  for one minute. Rest 30 seconds and start over.
  6. Stretch your right arm in front, palm facing up, push your fingers down with your left hand for a few seconds. Do the same with the left arm.

Recommendations to be at work

Easy exercises keep you physically active.

Here are some tips to put them into practice during the office workday:

  • According to an article published by the US National Library of Medicine, poor body posture can lead to harmful health problems over time. Therefore, it is important to place your back as straight as possible and to incorporate your shoulders slightly back.
  • The legs must be bent at the knees and the feet must be completely flat on the floor.
  • Try to get up every half hour, take a walk around the office and try to stretch a little.
  • Rotate your wrists and ankles from time to time. Do the same with the neck.
  • Contract your abs and gluteal muscles, hold for a few seconds, relax, and repeat several times.

Don’t forget to take short but frequent breaks (5 minutes for every 30 you work).

You can always improve!

However, although these exercises and recommendations can help you, it must be borne in mind that they do not replace the physical activity that is recommended to do. For this reason, and especially if you work for long hours at a time, it is important to strengthen the immune system by maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

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