How The Diet Should Be To Combat Anemia

Has your doctor told you that you have anemia and that you should eat better? Maybe he also gave you some pointers. However, you may have doubts about diet to combat anemia.

If so, keep reading that we will give you some keys to get ahead of the problem and reduce the inconvenience. You will discover that the best alternative is to eat healthy and varied. Of course there are supplements and, if your doctor indicated one, take it as he has told you.

After a few weeks, your life will return to normal and you can forget about supplements. Just try to maintain a healthy diet in the future. This will prevent the problem from coming back.

Why does anemia appear

The first thing you should know to combat anemia is that it can appear at any time in your life. It occurs when the body does not have enough red blood cells and can happen for a number of reasons, according to a study published in the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics . The most common causes are the loss of blood and the destruction of these cells by some medical treatment.

Sickle cell anemia

In either case, it is important to treat it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will experience severe problems like:

  • Weakness.
  • Lightheadedness.
  • Irritability.
  • Fainting.
  • Lack of energy.

Diet for anemia

We are going to present you the dietary treatment for this condition according to its cause.

For lack of iron

One of the most common causes of anemia is not getting enough iron. This can happen because the diet is very poor in nutrients, because you focus only on certain foods, or because you did not eat well during pregnancy.

The iron is vital to your health because it is the parent compound of hemoglobin. In addition, it is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

Among the foods that you should consume to combat anemia due to lack of iron are:

  • Viscera of animals, such as liver and kidneys.
  • Red meat and sausages.
  • Fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Whole grains and their derivatives.
  • Seeds and nuts.
  • Green vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and kale.
  • Beans and sprouts.
  • Nuts.

Due to folic acid deficiency

Another factor that can lead to anemia is a lack of folate or folic acid, according to research published in the Journal of Cellular Physiology . This occurs when you do not include foods rich in this nutrient. It is very common in pregnant women who do not follow their doctor’s instructions to supplement their diet with an appropriate supplement.

Bowl of spinach rich in folic acid.

Folic acid is a vital vitamin for the creation and regeneration of cells. Among them, blood cells or red cells. On average, the body requires about 200 micrograms of folic acid a day and twice that if you are pregnant.

To combat folic acid deficiency anemia, try to eat:

  • Spinach.
  • Black beans
  • Lettuce.
  • Kidneys, liver and heart.
  • Peas
  • Cauliflower.
  • Green beans.

Due to vitamin B12 deficiency

Another key vitamin in your diet is B12. This acts as a complement to folic acid in the production of cells, in this case, blood cells.

Normally, a balanced diet has proven to be more than enough to obtain the correct amount of vitamin B12, except in cases of vegan diet . However, if you eat a very monotonous diet, you could face this deficiency. If this happens, you will also experience nerve damage problems and heart problems.

  • Among the foods that provide you with this vitamin are: meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk and derivatives, fortified cereals, rice, among others.

Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Foods to Avoid When Looking to Fight Anemia

A fundamental part of the fight against anemia is to avoid those foods or products that make it worse:

  • Red wine. Although it has several benefits to your health, its consumption can inhibit the absorption of iron. The good news is that white wine does help you absorb iron, so you can go for it.
  • Coffee. As much as you like to start the day with a cup of coffee, it is better to reduce it as it also inhibits the absorption of iron. For a few weeks, try to change it for herbal or fruit infusions.
  • Green tea and black tea. Although these drinks are very healthy and good substitutes for coffee, they are not a good idea when you have anemia. This is because the tannins they contain prevent the correct absorption of iron.

Take care of the diet to prevent anemia

It is clear that a proper diet greatly reduces the risk of developing anemia. For this reason, you have to include the nutrients in the appropriate amounts, in order to avoid deficiencies that condition the functioning of the body and the production of red blood cells. If you have more questions, contact a nutrition professional.

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