Don’t Finish When You’re Tired

Do not finish when the forces leave you, when you are tired and you already finish everything. The path does not end the moment your energies fail you.

Sometimes it is difficult to achieve what we really want to obtain. However, you must move on. That road still has a long way to go, and it is your right to advance along it.

Giving up should never be an option, because it is on the journey itself that one receives the most important lessons. Let’s dive deeper into this.

Finish when it’s done, not when you’re tired

Overcome obstacles

Sometimes you envision ideas and dreams that you would love to put into practice. However,  things are not achieved overnight. Many times, one has to overcome certain obstacles.

If you want to get something big, it’s going to cost you. Success is not achieved in a week. You cannot measure the time you will need, although you do know what to do: make an effort.

It will cost you sweat and tears, falls and moments of unease in which you will want to leave. However, if you persevere, it will be worth it. 

You will wake up the first days full of energy. As the months go by and the results do not manifest or go very slowly, you will start to wake up later. Your motivation will decline, because surely you will be getting tired.

We are used to having everything immediately. Few people know how to wait, be patient. If you don’t have what you want right now, throw in the towel in the blink of an eye.

You can achieve everything you set your mind to, as long as you don’t stop when you feel weak. Perhaps you are lying to yourself that it is all over. But that’s how it is? Or is it just what you want to see?

Your mind is powerful, control it

The closer you are to getting what you want, the more complicated everything becomes. Here are some examples with which you may feel identified:

  • You have everything ready, you just need to put yourself into action. However, you delay the moment to act because you are afraid; to fail, not to do well, etc. Fears that worry you and that do waste your time.
  • You know that your project will be successful, but during the course of it you slow down. Your mind gets tired of always being alert, of thinking so much, of forcing your creativity. It costs him, you are tired. However, you can go on, don’t finish when you’re tired.
  • You are close to your goal and, suddenly, doubts arise.  You are about to achieve what you want, but you start to question everything.

Is this what you really wanted? Will I be up to the task? What if it doesn’t make me happy?

It seems that human beings have a kind of ability to take steps backwards when all is well. Doubts or fears, everything accompanies and  makes you stagger on your way to success.

This gets worse when you really fail. Then you do drain your strength, because getting back up will require great motivation and energy. You continually wonder if it will be worth it and are  very afraid of the possibility of failing again.

The effort will be worth it, don’t finish when you’re tired

don't finish

As they say, “every effort has its reward.” In order not to lose motivation, it is important to be patient and know that important things are not achieved overnight. The other way around: the most satisfying goals are those that have been fought for for a long time.

Every effort is worth it, even when you make mistakes and fail. It doesn’t matter how many times everything has gone awry. Creativity and determination are elements that should not be lost along the way.

You are learning, improving, and dealing with one of the most difficult emotions we must deal with: the fear of failure. However, do not finish when you are tired, remember it.

Do it when you’ve really gotten to where you wanted to be from the beginning. Your fatigue is not synonymous with a goal, or an end. Give yourself and your abilities a chance.

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