How To Brush Your Teeth Correctly

Brushing your teeth correctly is essential to protect oral health. You know how to do it? We give you some recommendations.

It may seem like a simple task that we all know how to do. However,  the process of brushing your teeth correctly requires some technique.

Oral hygiene is a fundamental part of people’s health. It is necessary to give importance. Take note of these steps to brush your teeth well and have a healthy mouth.

Take care of the frequency of brushing

To maintain good oral health, it is essential to brush your teeth at least twice a day. You should do it at least in the morning and at night.

Ideally, brushing right after every meal. However, considering that nutrition experts recommend eating five meals a day, this is quite difficult.

Brushing your teeth properly before going to bed is one of the most important actions for a healthy life. If you do it every night, you will avoid many infections and health problems.

Monitor the condition of your brush

You must bear in mind that the brush “ages”, so it is best to replace it every 3 or 4 months. In addition, the most recommended models are soft toothbrushes.

We will opt for those that have a rounded shape at the tips of the bristles. Also, it is important that the head is small enough to reach all areas of the teeth and mouth.

Properly position the brush

The toothbrush should be placed at a 45 degree angle, exactly where the teeth meet the gums. For a good brushing, you will have to apply firm pressure and move the brush up and down, with circular movements, but without rubbing too much.

Brushing with great force can  separate the gums from the teeth. As a consequence, your tooth enamel could be scratched, so be careful with this point.

To brush your teeth properly you also have to clean your tongue

 You should not forget your tongue when brushing your teeth properly

The tongue is also brushed, as well as other areas such as the front of the teeth and the entire surface of the molars. The best thing is that you clean your tongue very well from back to front. Some people add a little toothpaste to the brush to do this.

Tongue hygiene helps prevent plaque bacteria, which is the cause of bad breath. Some brushes already have bristles or specific material for this area.

floss your teeth

Brushing your teeth properly doesn’t end brushing itself: it also requires flossing at least once a day. The type you choose is not very significant. Pick a brand and flavor that you like.

To do this you will have to cut a piece of thread of approximately 30 cm and tie a knot at the end, joining the two ends to form a circle. This will help you when passing the floss between your teeth and will prevent you from hurting your gums trying to reach the farthest places.

  • Be very careful, but don’t forget to floss between your teeth toward your gums.
  • Try to bend the thread between each tooth (making a ā€œUā€ shape) and slide it according to the shape of your gums, from top to bottom to remove the plaque formed.
  • Your gums will likely bleed a bit when you do this at first. The bleeding will decrease as your gums become healthier.

Food is also key

It is not enough to brush your teeth correctly, food is also key when it comes to taking care of your teeth. Therefore, certain products such as those with excess sugar must be avoided.

A complete care of the teeth has to be accompanied by a healthy diet. However, the most important thing is to maintain a good level of hydration. This prevents the mouth from drying out and, by keeping it continuously hydrated, the teeth are better protected.

If you eat acidic foods, wait to brush

If the diet is predominantly acidic, you have eaten citrus fruits, vinegar or similar, the ideal would be to wait 30 minutes to brush your teeth, and more if you suffer from dental hypersensitivity.

This would avoid rubbing the acid against the teeth. Thus we do not distribute it throughout the mouth and prevent its harmful effect. Finally, although it is more or less known, it must be remembered that the duration of brushing should be two to three minutes.

Now, with all these tips, it will be much easier to take care of your oral health. Remember that you should visit your dentist at least once a year.

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