7 Steps To Follow A Gluten-free Diet

To follow a gluten-free diet, it is important to learn to identify the foods that contain this protein. Likewise, you should know the healthy substitutes that allow you to maintain a balanced eating plan.

The gluten-free diet is an eating model in which all products derived from oats, wheat, barley and other cereals are eliminated . This would be the case of people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, whose body generates a reaction to the presence of this protein.

A gluten-free diet requires a balanced plan that does not cause metabolic uncontrols or other side effects. In addition, it must be easy to maintain and not cause essential nutrient deficiencies.

What are the reasons to follow a gluten-free diet?

Gluten-free foods.

Celiac disease, as well as gluten intolerances, require making the decision to follow a diet without this protein. However, the consumption of cereals is one of the bases of the food pyramid, which is why the search for healthy and gluten-free substitutes is required.

This type of diet is mainly based on the combination of natural gluten-free products, which have a more balanced composition of micro and macronutrients. For example, foods such as lean meats, fish, vegetables, and pseudo-cereals are suggested.

Because it limits the consumption of processed foods to the maximum, a gluten-free diet also has benefits on healthy eating habits. In this way, we will be able to control celiac disease and its symptoms such as abdominal inflammation and impaired absorption of nutrients. In detail, a gluten-free diet helps:

  • Strengthen the immune system and increase defenses.
  • Reduce inflammation and control irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Promote the control of type I diabetes.
  • Manage symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Support the treatment of thyroiditis.
  • Prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases.
  • Control skin diseases.

Steps to keep in mind when following a gluten-free diet

When it comes to a gluten-free diet, it is good to have the opinion of a doctor or nutritionist. Although it is an accepted and safe nutrition model, it should not be ignored that it must be adapted to the needs of age, health and weight.

However, there are a few simple steps that can support its adoption in those who have recently made the decision to follow it. Are you interested in knowing them? Discover the 7 main ones.

1. Eliminate cereals that contain gluten

The basis of a gluten-free diet is the elimination of cereals that contain this protein. Although some are part of the lists of healthy foods in common diets, it is necessary to eliminate them and look for gluten-free alternatives ( “gluten  free “).

The listing includes:

  • Oatmeal
  • Barley
  • Rye
  • Spelt
  • Kamut
  • Triticale
  • Semolina flour
  • Derivatives such as breads, pasta, cookies, etc.

2. Check food labels

People who decide to follow this way of eating are required to carefully review the labels of food products. Now some companies use the “gluten-free” brand for easy identification.

3. Cook at home

It’s easier to control what’s on your plate when preparing meals at home. In this way, the use of organic food, free of this protein, is ensured. Unfortunately, many restaurants bread meats or use flours in much of their preparations.

4. Identify the “gluten in disguise”

Careful! Gluten can also be disguised in products, making it difficult to identify. Check the labels for ingredients such as: gluten, cereals, flour, modified starches or starches. Nor should it contain malt extracts or thickeners.

5. Review breakfast foods

A large part of the products with gluten are usually those that are taken for breakfast. Therefore, in order not to ruin the gluten-free diet, box cereals, energy bars and any products with starch and flour content should be avoided.

6. Substitute with other cereals

Pseudo-cereals are available on the market that serve as a replacement for regular consumer products such as wheat. Some options like quinoa, millet, and buckwheat have become popular for their high-value nutrient content. Corn and rice do not include gluten in their composition either.

7. Drinks can also contain gluten

Beverages that are made from cereals or that contain malt, such as barley water, beer, and some machine coffees are also sources of gluten. This detail should not be ignored, as many only care about solid foods.

Are you thinking of following a gluten-free diet? Take care of all these recommendations and enjoy their benefits. Of course, make sure that all the menus are balanced, as it is not about having a restrictive or hypocaloric plan.

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