Trendy Wedding Decorations

The decorations for weddings are very important in relation to the celebration of the marriage bond. The different types of wedding decorations have evolved over time. Despite being a reflection of the couple’s preferences, nowadays they are also a way of expressing to the guests what their own style is. In 2018, what is most important is to bring joy through color. We will discuss this in more detail below.

Wedding decorations: convey joy

The current decorative trend is based on the use of the color “ultraviolet” in combination with lilac and certain pastel tones (such as pink and some orange) in daytime events. While, in night events, ultraviolet is combined with white. Also, metallic such as silver or gold and, in the most daring cases, some shades of dark blue. This indicates that the most  in will be to risk adding color to convey joy and personality.

So this year, everything from the bride’s bouquet to the centerpieces should be colorful and vibrant. In fact, it will be in stark contrast to the classic decorative trend, which preferred neutral and metallic tones. The incorporation of color seeks to convey a certain ease and spontaneity. And, from this mere, generate a more authentic and, above all, pleasant atmosphere.

Colorful centerpiece for weddings.

Spontaneity, romance and magic in wedding decorations

Be careful, it must be clarified that the fact that more color is incorporated into the decoration for weddings does not mean that the celebration will become a carnival. Splashes of color, even if they are intense, will not disturb the visual balance. A good example of this can be seen in weddings in which small, but very colorful floral centerpieces (in orange, yellow, purple and purple) are placed on a gold, beige or white background.

Another good way to incorporate color, without losing subtlety and elegance,  can be done through details such as invitations, menus, napkins and wedding favors (not all at once).

The “excesses” will not be completely out. In fact, couples who decide to celebrate their wedding outdoors will be able to resort to the bohemian style in the decoration of flat surfaces (such as the gift table, for example) and add Moroccan garlands to make the atmosphere much more romantic and magical when the fall. late. In short, there will be no shortage of options that suit all tastes because this year it says goodbye to the rigidity of the traditional concept.

Wedding decorations: elements in trend

Now, what elements should a wedding decoration have this year? Two especially stand out: the watercolor details and the so-called “canvas” cakes. With both, what is sought is to preserve the air of refinement but with a fresh and attractive presentation. Watercolors can be included in textile accessories, stationery or even in a small exhibition of paintings.

And both the abstract and the more defined presentations will be valid (the leaf of a plant, a landscape, a portrait of the bride and groom, the silhouette of a palace, etc.). And the best thing is that the watercolors will be perfect thanks to the phenomenal touch that the canvas cake will put, since regardless of its size, shape or color, the impressive thing will be the illusion of a certain texture.

The cake in wedding decorations

As we have already pointed out, this year is the rise of canvas cakes. They look spectacular because they imitate different styles of painting (on canvas, of course) and do not include accessories such as the typical figures of the bride and groom or other ornaments, since by themselves they are striking enough.

Some create the illusion that they are made of water and color, which will give the impression of being very soft and delicate, while others will appear to have reliefs and textures, although in reality they are completely smooth.

On the other hand, the cakes may be up to three levels high. However, they will not have prominence in large size. Medium and small sizes will be preferred, with sides such as  muffins, cupcakes, and others. And when it comes to taste, chocolate will continue to be the go-to.

Textured wedding cake.

Corners and lights

Wedding decorations also allow the creation of “corners” or “mini environments”. Whether it is outdoors or indoors, it will seek to create several spaces, in which the bride and groom are. The purpose of these corners is to take care of the entire space and make the most of it, so that the guests feel comfortable and can circulate through different places without feeling that they are leaving the celebration.

Garlands and tassels of lights will also be used to enrich the environment with light and, above all, charm. It will not be necessary to make large investments in the type of garlands. However, it  will be essential to distribute them in a correct way, so that they look magnificent. In this way, the photos will be better.

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