Antioxidant And Rejuvenating Grape, Pomegranate And Moringa Juice

In addition to consuming this antioxidant juice, it is very important to avoid all those foods and behaviors that can promote premature aging, such as excess stress or alcohol tobacco

Who wouldn’t want to try a delicious antioxidant and rejuvenating juice? The best way to take off years is with a good diet, since in this way we achieve lasting results that also benefit our health.

Try the combination of grape, pomegranate and moringa to combat the damage that free radicals cause in your body.

Who Needs Antioxidants?

The free radicals fulfill beneficial functions in our body, for example in our immune system. However, when they are in excess, they oxidize our cells and accelerate the aging process.

This happens both internally and externally, although it is more visible aesthetically.

In this sense, antioxidants help us to slow down and even reverse this process. Therefore, we should all ensure a good daily amount of nutrients with rejuvenating properties.

The people who will most notice its benefits in the short and long term are those who suffer from premature aging or chronic or degenerative diseases.  

Factors that favor oxidation

Eating habits to combat premature aging

These factors increase the levels of free radicals in our body and, therefore, increase cellular oxidation. This hinders the regeneration process and accelerates aging :

  • Unbalanced diet
  • Contamination
  • Stress
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun
  • Tobacco and alcohol
  • Excessive practice of sport

Rejuvenate naturally

Today there are many products and treatments that promise miraculous results to restore youth. However, most are expensive, temporary, or have health side effects.

In this article we recommend the most natural and healthy option, which is to seek rejuvenation from within.

To do this we must provide our body with adequate nutrients. In this way, the result will be visible on the outside and very beneficial on the inside.

Antioxidant foods

1. Grape


The grape is a fruit with a high antioxidant power thanks to its resveratrol content. This component is present, above all, in the seeds and the skin of the fruit, but also in the pulp. The most powerful varieties are the red and dark ones.

Resveratrol, which is also in foods like currant, blackberry or peanut, is also sold as a health supplement. This type of polyphenol has shown its benefits in preventing cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer.

Although wine also contains resveratrol, we recommend opting for alcohol-free alternatives, such as grape or must.

2. Granada

Pomegranate is a lush, delicious fruit with many health properties. Among them, it stands out its high content of antioxidants  (polyphenols), which are in the peel and the seeds.

Pomegranate also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties. Its seeds allow us to make delicious, sweet juices with a harsh touch. Likewise, they are also an excellent complement to our salads and side dishes.

3. Moringa


The moringa tree is still little known despite its amazing health properties. Its seeds, its flowers and its leaves allow us to make numerous natural remedies.

In this case, we highlight the antioxidant virtues of its leaves, which we can consume fresh or dried.

Moringa leaves are one of the most antioxidant vegetables that exist, in addition to being rich in vitamins A, B and C, and minerals such as calcium, iron or potassium.

Thanks to these nutritional values, moringa helps us to eliminate toxins from our body, to have healthy skin and hair and to increase our energy levels.

Antioxidant and rejuvenating juice

Here’s how to prepare a delicious antioxidant and rejuvenating juice:


  • 1 bunch of black grape
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 3 tablespoons of moringa leaves (45 g)
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • Honey or stevia (to taste)


  • To prepare this juice we will need a blender or blender.

What should you do?

  • We recommend using the whole grape, even with its skin and seeds. Instead, we will discard the peeling of the pomegranate.
  • From the moringa we will only use the leaves, not the stem.
  • We will mix the 3 ingredients together with half a glass of water until we get a homogeneous combination.
  • We can strain the juice or take it with the fiber to obtain greater benefits.
  • We will sweeten to taste with honey or stevia.
  • We will take it fresh throughout the day, outside of the main meals.

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