Improve Your Mental Health With These 8 Tips

Emotional well-being is just as important as physical health.

So much so, that when our lie suffers, our body begins to fail.

Migraines, back pain, insomnia and stomach problems are often indicators that something is wrong in this regard.

Don’t be afraid to recognize that you need to improve your mental health. This is not synonymous with insanity or disturbance, but rather it is a much broader field than has traditionally been thought.

So, if you find yourself with too much stress, with difficulty concentrating or sleeping … continue with us and you will find some tips to avoid these complications.

1. Avoid being overweight to improve your mental health

Being overweight and obese means that you have more fat than you should in your body.

Apart from the aesthetic issue, it affects our brain significantly. Its functionality is impaired, so your cognitive development and your ability to manage feelings and ideas will be altered.

In this sense, remember that it is not about being slim, but about getting rid of fat. To do this, just have a balanced diet, accompanied by exercise.

2. Read, especially surreal texts


Reading is an indisputable tool to take care of and improve our mental health. It forces us to maintain attention, to remember and to relate concrete facts with abstract ideas.

In addition, it helps us to get in touch with situations that we have not experienced, so that we prepare to face them if they ever happen to us or to other people around us.

For their part, surrealist texts introduce unusual associations.

Thus, these associations are useful to improve your mental health because they favor the creation of new brain patterns.

3. Practice multitasking


Performing several tasks simultaneously is an ideal exercise for our mind.

Its therapeutic value consists in training the speed with which you process information. The faster you do it, the better.

However, it also increases the quality of your concentration. Despite being immersed in different actions, to be effective you are forced to put your full attention on each one of them, while you take care of them.

4. Turn off the television to improve your mental health

The most common is that we spend time watching television before going to sleep. However, this produces a phenomenon called “sleep debt.

This consists of the appearance of excessive fatigue, due to not getting enough sleep.

Television causes this exhaustion because by being entertained, we delay the time to go to sleep in bed. Without realizing it, we are depriving our brain of the rest it needs.

5. Meditate

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Meditation helps us clear our mind of everything that disturbs it.

Stress and negative emotions generate neural connections that prevent us from thinking clearly, they can even block us. When this happens for a long time, the brain begins to shrink and our health suffers.

6. Sign up for group activities

Even if you are a person who enjoys solitude, you should not forget that we are social animals.

We need to share our experiences with others, as well as share projects.

When we do, our self-esteem improves and, on the other hand, we build our identity.

The question of identity goes beyond the ego. Being aware of who you are and what you want is good for setting goals, but it is also good for finding a place in the world.

Therefore, you need to practice teamwork.

7. Draw doodles

Art education does not enjoy the best reputation. Many people give up this facet because they cannot draw.

Taking a sheet of paper and scribbling is enough to relax, stimulate concentration, and improve your memory.

As you can see, improving mental health is within the reach of anyone. The only requirement is to organize your schedule to reserve time for yourself.

We recommend that you take this seriously. It doesn’t matter how much you want something or how many hours you work to achieve it: if you are not well, you will not achieve your purpose.

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