Treatment With Honey, Almonds And Walnuts

As we well know, all foods can provide us with nutrients and there are combinations, such as honey, almonds and walnuts, that can be very useful, but have we ever thought about how good it could be to include this combination regularly? within the diet?

Just as we drink a cup of coffee every day when we wake up, we can take a teaspoon of honey, almonds and walnuts because this mixture would provide us with various minerals, vitamins, trace elements and basic proteins to start the day with energy.

Honey, almonds and walnuts for fatigue

The glycemic index of honey

According to the experts of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, honey is a food that contains sugars, amino acids, tannins, glucose and alkaloids. For every 100 grams of edible portion of honey, we get about 295 kilocalories. Therefore, it is a good source of nutrients for the body and also a great source of energy.

The experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation comment a little more in relation to this very therapeutic food:

And they comment that, for this reason, it can be a recommended food for people who need to regain their vitality.

Surely, we have heard that honey has various therapeutic possibilities. In general, we use it as a natural syrup when we have a sore and irritated throat, but also as a remedy when we have digestive discomfort after having eaten a lot or when it is difficult for us to go to the bathroom.

However, we can also take advantage of honey to stay energetic. For this, there are those who recommend consuming a certain amount in the morning, before or with breakfast.

Almonds and walnuts, fruits with great contributions

Bowl with nuts

With a low water content, but a high content of omega 3, nuts are also highly recommended foods to combat fatigue and take care of health, since they have been proven to provide multiple benefits.

According to Dr. González Corbella, “the fat composition of nuts, their content of antioxidants, fiber and other bioactive substances, provides these foods with great nutritional value”.

Recipe based on honey, almonds and walnuts

To combat fatigue and at the same time take advantage of all the contributions of honey, almonds and walnuts, we can take advantage of the following recipes.

1. Jar made of honey, almonds and walnuts

As simple as it is effective. First of all, we have to worry about acquiring pure, organic honey without any trace of added sugar. For this, the most appropriate thing is that we buy it directly from a beekeeper.

Then, to prepare the remedy, we can choose to incorporate it all into a jar larger than the one that contains the honey or try to prepare it in that jar.

We will take a good amount of almonds and walnuts and clean them well. We must make sure that no pieces of shell remain on them. In this way, the honey will enhance its flavor and the nuts will acquire more benefits. When they are ready, we can cut them into smaller pieces or leave them whole.

We introduce them into the jar of honey and with the help of a spoon, we spread them over it, so that they do not all concentrate in the same point.

Consumption mode

  • Every morning we can take a tablespoon of honey with almonds and walnuts.
  • Or we can mix a teaspoon in some plain yogurt.
  • Or mixed in a fruit bowl: half an apple and half a banana, or with pieces of papaya.
  • We could also add a little honey with almonds and walnuts on a slice of rye bread.

2. Drink for the mornings

As there are those who prefer to start their day drinking a glass of water or a natural smoothie, there is also a drinkable proposal to take advantage of the benefits of honey, almonds and walnuts.


  • 3 walnuts
  • 4 almonds.
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


  • We are going to take this simple remedy in the morning and on an empty stomach. The first thing we will do is crush the walnuts and almonds. We can help each other with the mixer.
  • Next, we will have to heat the water a little. Ideally, it should be warm, never hot.
  • We dissolve that tablespoon of honey in the water until it is integrated. Then we will add the almonds and the crushed walnuts.
  • This drink can be suitable to start the day. However, there are those who, instead of water, at night, add warm milk in order to obtain a more restful sleep.

With honey, moderation is essential

Beyond the recipe that we choose, the important thing is that we maintain moderation when consuming it, because since honey is so high in calories, it can not only provide us with energy, but also a few extra kilos if we do not control ourselves.

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