Diet To Avoid Breast Cysts

The presence of cysts in the breasts is a very common condition, especially among women over 40 years of age. Many of these nodules and cysts are benign. However, to differentiate them from breast cancer, it is necessary to consult the doctor as soon as we detect the lump.

A balanced diet may help avoid the discomforts that non-cancerous nodules and cysts often bring. In this article, we give you some tips that you should keep in mind when designing your own diet.

Relationship of some foods with the presence of cysts in the breasts

Frequent consumption of sausages and red meat should be avoided. This is an effective way to cut down on saturated fat. It is proven that a low fat intake reduces the production of hormones responsible for the formation of breast cysts. Estrogen is one of them.

fruit salad

On the other hand, foods rich in methylxanthines such as black tea, coffee, cola drinks and chocolate, do have an influence on breast discomfort. However, at this time, there is no established cause of fibrocystic breast disease.

Diet rich in vitamins

There is evidence that vitamin A and E, which have great antioxidant power, can help prevent the formation of cysts in the breasts. This is another reason to include abundant fruits and vegetables in your diet, which are the foods richest in vitamins.

  • Almonds, olive oil, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds are especially rich in vitamin E.
  • Vitamin A, for its part, is present in carrots, spinach, melons and eggs.

    It is desirable to consume these vitamins as part of the daily diet. However, you could supplement your diet with a multivitamin supplement. Its sale is free and you can find countless of them in any pharmacy, even in most supermarkets.

    Other foods that help prevent breast removal

    Some studies indicate that consuming evening primrose (or primrose) oil and borage oil reduces breast tenderness. Also, the discomfort caused by cysts. These oils, rich in omega-6 fatty acids, act on the smooth muscle of the breasts and relieve cramps and pain.

    A good cup of green tea a day can be very beneficial to our health

    Green tea extract is also a powerful antioxidant. Consuming about 200 ml a day of this drink can help prevent the formation of cysts in the breasts. In addition, as highlighted by a publication in the World Journal of Clinical Oncology , this variety of tea has epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which has positive effects against breast cancer. 

    Another good option is broccoli. This cruciferous vegetable contains sulforan and increases the elimination of toxic substances that accumulate in the body. Therefore, its consumption reduces the risk of both cysts and breast cancer.

    Finally, don’t forget that prevention is always the best. So, remember to do your breast self-exam every month  after your period. This is the most effective way to detect any breast irregularities.

    Likewise, it should be noted that, before any lump that you find in the breasts, whether it causes you discomfort or not, you should see a doctor. He or she will be in charge of making the diagnosis and will tell you what behavior you should follow.

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