Uses Of Lemon Juice

Although the taste of lemon is not entirely tasty, it offers so many properties that its flavor takes a back seat. This fruit provides us with nutritional benefits and is believed to be also curative, so it is worth taking it into account. In addition, lemon juice can be taken in many delicious ways.

General characteristics of lemon

Lemon peel

It is good to know that lemon has very few calories, (about 40 per 100 grams). On the other hand, when it is consumed bottled, we will have vitamins C and P available, but not the bioflavonoids from its peel and pulp.

To choose a good lemon, it must have a firm, deep yellow rind, with a fine and shiny texture. They can be kept at room temperature for 15 days or in the refrigerator for about five weeks.

In order to extract all the lemon juice, it is best to immerse it in hot water for a few moments. And to drink it, it is better with a straw, so that the passage of acidity does not alter the enamel of the teeth.

Six uses of lemon juice

Lemon juice

There is a popular belief that lemon juice can be used to cure stomach and liver problems, anxiety, depression, flu, colds, tuberculosis, headaches, herpes, seborrhea, dandruff, bleeding, and acne.

However, there is no study or scientific investigation that corroborates these data, so, from here, we strongly recommend going to the corresponding doctor so that he can provide us with a correct diagnosis taking into account our symptoms and a treatment accordingly.

So, lemon juice is said to have “unknown” uses that are really interesting. We mention them below.

Polish nails

Soak your fingers in a container with lemon juice for a few minutes. If you add a little olive oil, the treatment will last longer. Ideal for yellow and weak nails.

As a deodorant

The acidity of this fruit attacks the bacteria that cause the bad smell. Cut the lemon and spread it on the armpit. It is a good alternative for those who do not want to use chemicals.

So that bad odors in the home disappear

Air fresheners eliminate the musty smell.

After cooking or if there is something wrong in the refrigerator. Soak a cloth with lemon juice and clean all surfaces.

To clean the windows

By diluting the juice with water, it is sprayed directly on the glasses and then cleaned as usual. If the stains are very difficult to remove or are old, directly apply pure lemon juice.

To polish metals

From old cutlery to stainless steel kitchens. The preparation can be the same as that used for the windows.

For whiter clothing

There are natural remedies to get rid of mold stains on clothes.

When doing the usual washing, putting a little lemon juice in the load will also help remove stains.

Without a doubt, lemon is an excellent ally in the kitchen, at home and also for our body.

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