Artificial Blood For Transfusions, What Does It Consist Of?

Artificial respiration, artificial hearts … Is it possible that artificial blood can also develop? In this article we will find out.

Every year dozens of buses run through numerous cities so that people can donate blood. Demand increases, especially in summer, when the number of accidents tends to increase. However, more donors are still needed. But is it possible that this could be solved thanks to artificial blood?

The news about the possibility of creating artificial blood can be found in the Digital Journal newspaper . This information spread very quickly. So much so that it was even present in several newspapers. The reason? Artificial blood could be the solution to a demand that, nowadays, does not stop increasing.

Research on artificial blood

Blood donor

Although the possibility of using artificial blood for transfusions has attracted everyone’s attention, research is still being carried out on whether this may really be feasible or, just, will remain an experimental procedure.

Much more in-depth research and study work is needed before artificial blood can be confirmed as the new method for performing blood transfusions. However, we will see below how this procedure is being carried out, which, in the future, can be a very effective way to save thousands of lives.

The ErythroMer Study

This is the name of the study that was presented to the American Society of Hematology (ASH) to publicize this new discovery. The researchers who participated in this study belong to the University of Washington and they achieved something completely innovative that promises to save thousands of lives.

The name of the study has not been the result of chance. The term ErythroMer refers to a component that can replace blood. Although its degree of coincidence with red blood cells does not exceed 10%, the researchers believe that even with this percentage the ErythroMer would serve to stabilize an emergency patient.

Without a doubt, this is quite promising. There are different situations where blood is needed immediately or areas where donor blood does not arrive quickly enough. The ErythroMer could be the solution to these problems. But what procedure would have to be followed?

Artificial blood and its procedure

Blood in test tubes and syringes

The researchers who participated in this study designed ErythroMer in powder form. This component contains artificial cells that perform the same functions as red blood cells. However, if its format is powder, how can a transfusion be performed?

  • The ErythroMer is mixed with water to be injected.
  • This component is stored at room temperature.
  • Users could carry it stored in a package.

Thus, anywhere, you just have to open that package, mix the powder with water and give the person who needs, immediately, a blood transfusion. A portable human blood substitute that can save many more lives than we might initially think.

Expectations about artificial blood

Artificial blood has already been tested on animals and the results it has reported have been quite good. The tests that have been carried out have succeeded in resuscitating animals that were in a state of shock . However, tests are still ongoing before this method can reach humans.

Expectations are quite hopeful. In a war, for example, it could save lives with a fairly high success rate. Also, this can be positive in remote areas. We must bear in mind that, at present, there are no simple methods to transport donated blood. Therefore, the ErythroMer could be the solution.

We will have to wait for more research before confirming that the ErythroMer may be the new way to perform blood transfusions. We will closely follow the studies that continue to be done and hope that the results will be successful. The way we think about saving lives today can change radically.

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