7 Healthy And Light Ideas To Surprise Your Guests

When we have a celebration, we all want healthy ideas to maintain health and weight, but at the same time that are succulent and surprise our guests. In fact, we can achieve these two goals at the same time, to not stop enjoying food and spend those special days without regrets.

Discover these surprising and simple culinary ideas to create all kinds of healthy menus. Discover 7 healthy and light ideas to surprise your guests. You will be amazed at what you can do with the things you have at home.

Healthy and delicious ideas

Is it possible to make dishes, snacks, sweets and drinks that are healthy and festive? Is it possible to carry out healthy and delicious ideas ? Yes it is possible. We just have to learn to play with a wide variety of nutritious and light ingredients. Nor can we forget the decoration of each plate. Here are 7 ideas that will surprise and conquer all diners, young and old.

1. Green cocktail

Would you like to start a banquet with a non-alcoholic green cocktail? You can surprise your most daring guests with this drink loaded with vitamins and minerals and, although it may not seem like it, a delicious flavor. You will only have to mix the following ingredients in the amounts you want:

  • Pineapple
  • Kiwi
  • Fresh and tender spinach
  • Grapefruit
  • Stevia or honey to sweeten

The cleansing properties of these ingredients will help you stimulate your appetite and digest food much better. 

2. Flavored water

Flavored water

Do you want to offer an original drink and do without the typical sugary ones with gas? We recommend that the day before you prepare some glass bottles with different types of flavored water.

  • You will only have to add some fresh fruit or aromatic plant to each bottle. 
  • You will let them marinate for a whole day and, in the food, you can surprise everyone with these beautiful drinks with a touch of flavor.
  • Try basil, mint, lemon, grapefruit, rose petals, cinnamon sticks, etc.

3. Guacamole with a spicy touch

Guacamole is an excellent appetizer for any celebration, since it provides all the nutrients of the avocado, it is liked by everyone and you can accompany it with pieces of raw vegetables for dipping. You can prepare the guacamole your way, mashing an avocado well, and adding garlic, onion, tomato, pepper or whatever you want. We recommend that you season it with a pinch of cayenne, as it is very cleansing and activates the metabolism, which helps us lose weight.

4. Endive appetizers

Endive appetizers

When we have a celebration we usually prepare all kinds of appetizers in the form of canapés, toasts, cakes, puff pastry, etc. The result is delicious but unhealthy, since the flours can make us feel heavy and make us gain a few extra kilos. We suggest you substitute these farinaceous for endive appetizers. You can fill them however you want and you will get a much fresher and lighter appetizer, with a suggestive bitter touch that will combine very well with all kinds of fillings.

5. Purple gazpacho

Among our healthy ideas we highlight gazpacho, an ideal starter for any copious meal, as it will improve the digestion of fats. However, if you want to give it a different touch without changing the flavor, you can try adding a small piece of raw beets, which will dye the drink an attractive purple color. 

6. Salads with flowers, sprouts and seeds

Salads with flowers, sprouts and seeds

Salads are a must at any banquet. Everyone likes to eat a serving of raw vegetables along with any meat or fish dish. However, for those who find salads boring, we suggest decorating your salads with edible flowers, sprouts and seeds. 

These ingredients not only make the salad appear to us, but also add a large amount of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and fiber to this dish. You can also serve each serving of salad on a large lettuce leaf and dress it with a sauce based on ancient mustard and honey.

7. Cocoa and coconut bonbons

The last of our healthy ideas is a sweet for dessert that, although it contains fat, it comes from extra virgin coconut oil. Thus, we turn it into a food that helps us activate the metabolism, lose weight and reduce the fat accumulated in the waist. You have to try the cocoa and coconut bonbons !

In this article we detail how to make these delicious chocolates that do not contain sugar or dairy, step by step. These will allow you to do without other less healthy sweets such as nougat or ice cream.

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