Discover The Symptoms Of The 5 Most Common Diseases In Women

Some diseases are more common in women than in men. In some cases, such as breast cancer, the reasons are obvious, but in others they are not so clear. Do you want to know the 5 most common diseases of women and their symptoms? Keep reading.

1. Migraines

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), migraines affect twice as many women as men. In addition, in the case of women the pain lasts longer and appears more frequently throughout the month.

Migraine in women can appear very early. In fact, it is not uncommon to find 11-year-old girls who already suffer from it.

  • Despite what was believed for years, migraine is not a vascular or hormonal problem
  • Although there is a genetic component, the most current studies point to a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

Migraine pain cycle

Symptoms of migraine

  • The pain is intense and throbbing, concentrating on one side of the head. In some people it is accompanied by dizziness, vomiting and even visual hallucinations.
  • Typically, this type of headache appears about four times a month. In many cases it disappears after a few years.

2. Allergies

It may seem curious but, in general, allergies are more common in women. The immune system of men and women reacts differently to allergens. In addition, women tend to be in permanent contact with chemical products (makeup, beauty products or cleaning products) that in many cases cause allergic reactions.

Gluten intolerance affects women more. Celiac disease, an autoimmune form of gluten intolerance, is 2 to 3 times more common in men than women.

What symptoms should we be aware of?

  • Pay attention to how your skin and eyes react each time you apply certain makeup.
  • A dry throat or constant watering is a common allergy symptom.
  • Symptoms related to pollen, dust, or other allergens are usually most intense in the early morning hours.
  • Pay attention to your digestion. Sometimes discomfort, gas, or bloating can be due to some kind of food intolerance. Among the most common intolerances are intolerance to gluten, casein (a protein found in dairy products) or lactose, the sugar in milk.

3. Irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel

Irritable bowel syndrome is a bowel disorder that causes abdominal pain and bloating. In many people it  occurs in alternating episodes of diarrhea or constipation, and can be disabling.

Even today the exact causes of irritable bowel are unknown, but we do know that there are many factors that can trigger it. Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine is one of them; Intolerances to certain sugars or the alteration of the bacterial flora due to the use of antibiotics also play an important role.

The disorder usually appears for the first time between the ages of 15 and 25, and it is common for seizures to occur during periods of intense stress or hormonal changes.

Girl with tummy ache from irritable bowel

What are the most common symptoms?

  • It is not a simple discomfort. It is not a poor digestion or an occasional gastritis. It can present in the form of severe cramps that are relieved by defecation.
  • Many people suffer from gas, and an intense burning sensation in the belly.
  • The pain comes and goes, and can last for a couple of days.

4. Breast cancer

Breast cancer is another of the most common diseases in women, although it is not the only type of cancer common among women. Lung cancer or colon cancer are the other two most prevalent types.

What symptoms should we be aware of?

Take care of your breasts. You can occasionally feel the breasts for lumps. Among the most common symptoms of a tumor we can find:

  • Changes in the skin of the breasts: lumps, dimples, darker areas.
  • Lumps
  • Chest pain

See a medical professional if you notice any of these symptoms. If there are cases of breast cancer in your family, the ideal is to start regular check-ups before the age of 40.

5. Depression

According to the World Health Organization, depression affects 350 million people around the world, and most of them are women.

Depression is a silent illness characterized by the following symptoms :

  • Apathy
  • Lack of energy
  • Constant bad mood
  • Recurring sadness and constant negative thoughts
  • Sleep disorders
  • Physical and musculoskeletal pain

Although depression affects more women than men, women tend to have more psychological resources to cope with depression. They ask for help before men, they are easier to vent emotionally, and they are better able to open up to others and communicate their problems.

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