How To Make A Homemade Sunscreen With Wheat Germ Oil

In addition to preventing sunburn, this homemade sunscreen helps us prevent wrinkles and other premature signs of aging and gives us an extra boost of hydration

The daily use of sunscreen is one of the habits that everyone should include in their personal care routine. This product is designed to reduce the impact of ultraviolet rays on the skin, which can cause irreparable damage.

It has nutrients that protect the cells of the dermis. Prevents burns, blemishes and other imperfections that accelerate aging. In addition, it is one of the preventive elements of melanoma or skin cancer, one of the chronic conditions that can develop from prolonged exposure to the sun.

Best of all, there are natural formulas to prepare them at home. Therefore, it is not necessary to use expensive ingredients or laden with artificial chemicals.

In this opportunity, we want to teach the recipe for one with wheat germ oil and zinc oxide powder. Both are recognized for their ability to prevent sun attacks and premature signs of aging.

Don’t stop trying it!

Homemade sunscreen with wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil.

Homemade sunscreen with wheat germ oil is an alternative product that allows us to take care of the skin against the aggressions caused by the sun. It is obtained from the combination of ingredients rich in antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins and minerals that, in addition to reducing sun damage, improve cell activity and the regeneration process.

  • Wheat germ oil is a product known for its cosmetic applications. Its fatty acids and vitamin E help keep skin elastic and firm to prevent premature wrinkles.
  • It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic compounds that act on the skin tissue to avoid symptoms such as irritation, redness and itching.
  • Its moisturizing power retains the natural oils of the skin, preventing the accumulation of dead cells and excess dryness.
  • This product is complemented by the properties of zinc oxide. This substance creates a protective layer against the UV rays of the sun, reducing the attacks on skin cells.
  • It is a great alternative to keep the skin protected. Although we must know that its protection factor is softer compared to commercial sunscreens.
  • It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the aforementioned ingredients, we take advantage of the properties of beeswax and some essential oils to enhance the moisturizing and antioxidant qualities of the product.

How to prepare this sunscreen with wheat germ oil?

Homemade sunscreen.

The formula of this homemade sunscreen is very easy to make. In addition, since it is not aggressive, it can be used on all types of skin. Its use does not alter the production of fat in the sebaceous glands and does not influence the appearance of blackheads or pimples. However, it is advisable to do a little test before using it in its entirety. Since, although it does not usually cause problems, all skins are different and some may present unwanted reactions.


  • ½ cup of wheat germ oil (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of beeswax (30 g)
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 2 tablespoons of shea butter (40 g)
  • 3 teaspoons of zinc oxide (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of carrot essential oil (15 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of raspberry essential oil (5 g)


  • Heat resistant container
  • Glass jar with lid
  • Wooden or silicone spoon


  • First, add the wheat germ oil in a heat-resistant container and put it in a water bath, over low heat.
  • Next, add the beeswax and shea butter. Stir with a wooden or silicone utensil so that everything integrates well.
  • Then, remove the product from the heat and then add the zinc oxide and the vitamin E capsule.
  • Keep stirring and, before it solidifies, add the carrot and raspberry oils.
  • Finally, pack the protector in a glass jar with a lid and store it in a cool, dark place.

Application mode

  • Take the amount of product you consider necessary and rub it on the areas of the skin that you want to protect.
  • Then let it absorb without rinsing and repeat its use up to 2 times a day.
  • Include it in your daily routine to minimize the impact of the sun.

    Do you dare to prepare this protector at home? While it may seem easier to buy one at the drugstore, making your own formula can save you money. By the way, you will provide the skin with extra nutrients.

    To conclude, keep in mind that the sun protection factor (SPF) of this is 25. Therefore, it is not recommended in hours of maximum solar radiation.

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