How To Make Two Beautiful Scented Candles To Ward Off Insects

There are beautiful scented candles that are much more than a relaxing resource, more than a light aid or a sensational way to decorate a corner of our house.

If you are good at crafts, or want to test your secret skills in this art, do not hesitate to make your own candles. You can make them to ward off mosquitoes or other types of insects that can cloud everyday life.

The fragrance that they give off when we light them creates a very pleasant atmosphere for our senses. However, that is not all. In turn, a defensive barrier is created against those small enemies that, like it or not, can also transmit diseases.

We suggest you get started in the art of scented candles. It is a simple, rewarding activity that can open up a whole field of possibilities for you if you like the topic of aromatherapy. Do we take note? Is easier than it looks like!

Some beautiful scented citronella candles

Citronella scented candles

Citronella essential oil is a classic as an insect repellent. We must be clear, however, that this type of home and decorative resource will never make mosquitoes or other pests die. What we do is drive away, not exterminate.

Therefore, if in your home you have sources of humidity that are very conducive to the development of these types of pests, it is necessary to take more serious measures such as, for example, the use of repellants, mosquito nets …

What I need

  • Two glass jars
  • Two floating candles sized to fit the jars
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 limes
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • 10 sage leaves
  • 10 branches of fresh lavender
  • 10 drops of citronella essential oil
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)
  • 2 little strings or ribbons to decorate the jars

How i do it

It is as easy as placing each element, each plant and each piece of lime and lemon in the jars. Follow these steps:

  • We will start by cutting the limes and lemons into one centimeter thick slices.
  • The first thing we will put in the jars are the aromatic plants. Distribute equally rosemary, lavender, sage leaves …
  • On the aromatic plants, now add the citrus slices.
  • It already includes the drops of citronella essential oil: 5 drops in each glass bottle.
  • Then pour in the water. It is enough that the water reaches a little more than half of the jar.
  • When you add the water you will notice that our citrus fruits float and that they create a consistent base on which to place our candles.
  • You can buy floating candles at any decoration or craft store. They are created to float on liquid surfaces but, in our case, they will have the base of citrus.
  • Finally, it only remains to decorate the glass jars. To do this, you just have to surround the mouth of the jars with a ribbon or string: make a loop and discover what great result you get.

These beautiful scented candles  are as decorative as they are effective in repellent mosquitoes. And you see that it will not take long to have them ready.

Compact candles to repel insects

Scented candles

In the previous proposal we have created two jars with floating candles. They are very beautiful, but their main drawback is the fact that they are consumed quickly. Now we are going to make some beautiful compact scented candles.  They last longer and are just as effective. We explain how to do them.

What I need

  • 2 glass jars of the measures that we like the most
  • Natural candle wax (the amount will be based on the capacity of our two jars)
  • 2 candle wicks
  • 10 drops of citronella essential oil.
  • Ribbons to decorate the jars

How i do it

This time, we are going to spend a little time in the kitchen. The reason? We have to melt the wax. However, let’s take a closer look at each step.

  • The first thing is to place the candle string in the jars. You will see that they already come with a small aluminum base. You just have to place it in the center of your mason jars.
  • Now, we proceed to take the empty jars to the oven. Let’s heat them up.
  • You just have to put them at the lowest temperature that your oven allows and leave them for 15-20 minutes. In this way, the wax is more compact when we pour it inside.
  • Meanwhile, we are melting our wax in a pot over the fire.
  • Once the wax is with a consistency similar to olive oil, you will have it ready. Turn off the heat and add the 10 drops of citronella oil.
  • Next, add the melted wax to each jar, being careful not to burn yourself.
  • Always remember that the string of the candles should be in the center.
  • When it cools down, trim the excess thread so that the wick is perfect.

You already have some beautiful scented candles ready. Decorate them with the ribbons and enjoy them. You will love them and, in addition, they will help you to drive away annoying insects.

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