5 Cardio Exercises You Can Do At Home To Tone Your Buttocks

Sometimes a proper diet is not enough to improve physical composition. While reducing calorie intake, and mainly the levels of fat in the body, is important, it is also necessary to strengthen the muscles. Therefore, we tell you how to achieve more aesthetic and trained buttocks.

When looking to fight adiposity, you have to tone your muscles and harden them. In this way, the buttocks, as well as other parts of the body, will look firmer and with the desired volume. The best strategy to achieve this is to practice some type of exercise. The cardiovascular or aerobic is, without a doubt, the one that can help you the most.

Leg exercises to train the buttocks

Cardio helps improve cardiovascular function and lung capacity. In addition, it is also recommended for reducing body fat, as long as it is combined with a good diet, as detailed in a study published by the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

In this type of exercise routine, the intensity is not as high as in the anaerobic one, so it is more suitable for people who are not very used to training regularly.

Next, we want to propose something simple and inexpensive. You don’t have to go to a gym to get more attractive buttocks and enjoy better health. It is enough that each day you carry out these exercises at home and, of course, you eat in a good way.

1. March in place

This exercise may be more difficult than it sounds. The exercises of localized gait —or without moving forward— are very good for toning the muscles of the buttocks, as long as, yes, you carry them out with the appropriate intensity and precision. We explain how:

  • Get on a flat surface, where there are no rugs, to avoid tripping or falling.
  • Join your favorite music to keep up and motivate yourself.
  • The march begins: run, but without moving. For this, it is important that you raise your knees well, since in this way you work the area of ​​the waist muscles and also tense those of the buttocks.
  • Dedicate 10 minutes to this walking exercise, always maintaining a high intensity. If you are a beginner, you can start with less; If you already have some resistance, increase the intensity or the minutes of work.

2. Squats

If you don’t have a back or knee injury, lunges and squats can make up a good routine to tighten up your buttocks. According to experts from Harvard Health Publishing, these exercises help to strengthen not only the buttocks, but also the abdominal area, thus helping to prevent low back pain.

These exercises require effort, there is no doubt, but as you get used to them, you will perform them completely naturally. Take notes on how to perform squats:

  • Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart or slightly wider.
  • Next, raise your arms and clench your fists as you bend your knees and squat down.
  • The buttocks should meet or pass the line of the hips. In other words, the thighs must break parallel with the ground.
  • From that push-up position, return to the starting position.
  • Get up, breathe in, and do a new squat.

Try doing this type of exercise for 3 minutes. Then move on to stride.

3. Strides with weight

To perform the strides, it will be very useful to have some kind of weight in your hands. If you have dumbbells, the exercise will be more complete. If you do not have them, you can help yourself with 2 liter bottles and a half.

  • Stand up, with a weight in each hand.
  • Step one foot forward and bend both knees.
  • Lower yourself almost to the ground with your knee furthest behind.
  • Stand up keeping your back straight, as well as your shoulders.
  • Then kneel on the opposite leg again.
  • Spend 6 more minutes on this exercise.

4. Hip extension or hip extension

The hip extension is one of the classic exercises of fitness. The main purpose of this movement is to firm the buttocks and thighs, and requires some resistance and effort to complete a full series of cardio.

In this exercise, we recommend using a mat to have a better grip on the elbows and hands, because it is there where you are going to hold onto. Take note now of the steps you should follow:

  • Get on the mat and place your toes and hands on it, as you see in the video.
  • With a slight bend, raise your right knee as high as you can, to the point of feeling the tension in the area of ​​the buttocks and the inner thigh.
  • Hold this position for 2 seconds and redo it with the same leg 5 more times.
  • Then switch legs and follow the same steps.

Dedicate 5 minutes to this exercise every day.

5. Jump rope to tone the buttocks

Although it may seem like just a child’s game, jumping rope is a very demanding physical activity; in fact, even professional athletes do it to get in shape. This exercise can greatly contribute to the objective of shaping the figure, since it promotes energy expenditure and demands the effort of the lower body muscles.

If you practice it regularly, day by day you will notice how you improve endurance, breathing and agility. If you do this exercise for 5 or 6 minutes every day, the body, and especially the buttocks, will notice it.

Add good habits to show off the buttocks you want

With the above exercises, the leg muscles will be favored. Remember, though: for these cardio workouts to work, they need to be done regularly; Every other day could be a good alternative.

On the other hand, do not forget to add to this routine a good eating plan, which includes fruits, vegetables and other fresh and nutritious foods. Also, as a World Health Organization publication recommends, balancing carbohydrate, protein and fat intake is very important. Consult a nutritionist for more information on this.

Ultimately, your daily will and the fact of having that half hour of rigor are the 2 essential pillars to achieve firmer and more shapely buttocks. The effort is worth it!

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