5 Ways To Reduce Electromagnetic Pollution In The Home

We can’t help it. Electromagnetic pollution is inherent in our way of life.

However, those invisible waves that surround us and that make many of our comforts possible also carry some other risk.

Despite the fact that there are radiations of varying intensity, some of them end up accumulating in excess in our body.

The Wi-Fi network, electrical and electronic devices and all that much-loved everyday “fauna” should be used sparingly and with adequate security measures.

So much so, that various levels such as the World Health Organization (WHO) warn us of its risks and how  some electromagnetic radiation (not all) have carcinogenic effects. 


It is clear, without a doubt, that we cannot live in a bunker.

Not even less to move away to a natural environment to disconnect from this way of life where electricity and the universe of communication are already a priority.

We live “connected” and it is neither good nor bad. It involves, above all, responsibilities, balance and knowing how to set priorities.

Today in our space we want to propose that you apply these 5 tips to reduce, as far as possible, electromagnetic pollution.

1. Measure electromagnetic pollution in your home

It may sound silly, but it certainly isn’t.

Sometimes, for example, we think that by living in the countryside we enjoy a healthier environment.

However, we can be near antennas or repeaters that intensify some magnetic waves over our house.

There are many sources of electromagnetic pollution that vary even according to the time of day.

So it doesn’t hurt to carry out some measurements:

  • We can hire a technician to carry out a study.
  • It is appropriate to take measurements inside and outside the home.
  • In the event that electromagnetic pollution is very intense, we can apply “shielding” measures: use carbon fiber paints, protective fabrics for windows made of copper and silver, special canopies for beds …

2. Disconnect all the electrical network around the beds

We have all done it at some time: leave our mobile phone charging at night while we sleep.

We must bear in mind that these practices are not adequate.

  • What’s more, such common things as having electrical outlets, power strips or cables next to or under the bed pose a risk.
  • The most appropriate thing is that we establish the distance of one meter from our bed with respect to any electric source.

mobile electromagnetic pollution

3. At night it is better to disconnect the wifi

We know that it is not easy, that we need to be “connected” in case someone sends us a message.

Or in case, at any given moment, we have the need to take a look at our social networks.

It is a common practice that we should control.

And even more so since electromagnetic devices cause us insomnia and inadequate neuronal stimulation at this time of night.

  • If our purpose is to sleep, the most appropriate thing is to disconnect the Wi-Fi network. In this way we will avoid that nocturnal impact and we will somewhat restrict the pollution that we experience at the end of the day.
  • Likewise, and as a general rule, we should never install wireless routers in bedrooms  (neither should Wi-Fi access points).
  • Another fact that we must not forget is, without a doubt, the night use of laptops. If you are one of those who answers the mail or watches movies on the computer at night, remember to separate it from your body about 30 cm.
  • Do not put it on the abdomen or on the legs: better on a table and at a safe distance.

    4. Beware of older televisions

    Today, many households still have televisions and computer screens with CRT tubes (cathode ray tubes).

    • This type of device, in addition to consuming more electricity, also emits more radiation due to its transformer.
    • The most suitable thing will be to have flat screen LCD or LED televisions. They barely emit radiation and take more care of our visual health.
    • However, also keep in mind that this type of television should be located at a distance of about 3 meters, more or less.

    5. Aloe vera protects us from waves

    It is known that there are certain plants capable of taking care of the environment we breathe at home. Thanks to their processes derived from photosynthesis, they manage to keep the environment clean and to purify it.

    aloe vera

    • One of the most powerful is, without a doubt, aloe vera. It helps us when it comes to filtering toxins, pollutants, reducing carbon dioxide and even controlling electromagnetic pollution a little.
    • So do not hesitate to have a small assortment of pots throughout the house. They will, in turn, increase the oxygen level at home and will also be an excellent daily aid in healing cuts and burns.

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