8 Ways To Protect The Eyes From Damage From Electronic Devices

In addition to remembering to blink frequently when in front of the screen, it is important that we take breaks from time to time to rest our eyes. We give you other tips. Discover them!

Protecting the eyes against the effects caused by the lights emitted by electronic devices has become an important point in health matters. Although we ignore it at first, spending a lot of time in front of screens can lead to fatigue problems and visual impairment. What can we do about it? We will tell you.

How to protect your eyes from electronic devices

According to some research, such as one published in BMJ Open Ophthalmology , light emitted by digital devices has a negative impact on the eyes, which in turn causes serious problems in the medium and long term.

The rate of people with visual diseases has increased as technology has evolved, and the worst thing is that it is estimated that it will continue to grow, because more and more people use these elements almost without rest.

Taking into account the great risk that we run due to the frequent use of all technological devices, for some time, entities such as the American Academy of Ophthalmology have shared recommendations to minimize the impact and protect the eyes.

1. Exercise your eyesight

Woman covering her eyes

When spending too much time in front of digital devices, the eyes do not blink as they should and, sooner or later, develop some degree of dryness.

It is essential to take a few seconds, at least every 20 minutes, to do some exercises that facilitate lubrication. This, according to an article in the journal PLoS One , could also help improve cognitive performance in tasks related to attention and memory. 

A good idea is to blink continuously while keeping the focus on the same point, or to cover one of the eyes, stare at a specific point, and then repeat it with the other.

2. Keep a certain distance from the screen

Optometrists recommend sitting at least one forearm away from the screen.

When working with a desktop computer, it will be necessary to adopt a suitable position that facilitates the use of the keyboard, but keeping the appropriate distance.

3. Expose the eyes to daylight

Relaxed woman sunbathing

If the eyes are exposed to the light emitted by the devices and also to that of the LED bulbs, the problem can be twofold.

As eye health experts explain through Rebuild Your Vision , natural light is healthy and reduces the impact artificial lights have on your eyesight. 

A good idea is to take a few minutes to go out to the garden, walk in the park or any other place where there may be some connection with nature. This habit will also help adjust natural circadian rhythms, improving sleep quality and mood.

4. Adjust display illumination

All devices allow the screen lighting to be adjusted to suit the environment and visual need. For example, if the place is illuminated, the brightness should increase to reduce reflections on it.

On the other hand, if the room is dark or it is already night, the light should be dimmed as much as possible. When using too much gloss, it strains your eyesight and causes long-term damage.

5. Wear protective glasses

Although no visual problem has developed yet, it is good to consult the specialist to receive the formulation of protective glasses.

This accessory that for years has allowed many to improve their vision also has designs that reduce glare and eyestrain.

They should be used whenever you are in front of a screen, as it is the best way to protect your eyes from harmful glare.

6. Improve nutrition

The eyes also need essential nutrients to reduce the harmful effects of digital elements and other damaging agents.

Therefore, the American Optometric Association recommends improving the diet to preserve good vision and the performance of the nerves. Regarding this, the nutrients that should not be missing include:

  • Omega 3 essential fatty acids
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Antioxidants

7. Take regular breaks


Visual health experts recommend resting 15 to 20 minutes for every 2 hours that we are in front of a screen. In the minutes of rest, no other electronic element should be used. If possible, you should blink or close your eyes for a while so that they are well lubricated.

8. Reduce the use of these devices

Many long for those times when there was not so much dependence on technology and more activities were carried out in the social environment. Why lose good habits? No greeting on social networks will change that handshake or that hug with loved ones.

It is necessary to be aware of this, the problem it is causing and the importance of protecting your eyes. It’s a big decision to start reducing your use as much as possible in the day and doing other activities.

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