Can Psoriasis Be Cured?

Knowing and alleviating psoriasis is of great importance to increase the quality of life of people who suffer from it

Psoriasis affects many more people than we think, both men and women. Although some doctors have told us that psoriasis cannot be cured, there are many remedies that can help us control it naturally.

Discover how diet and some home remedies can influence the treatment of this pathology. Don’t be discouraged, try to put these tips into practice with the help of your doctor.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes flaking and inflammation of the skin. Thus, it appears reddened and scaly in certain areas of the body.

Those who suffer from psoriasis have a much earlier renewal of skin cells. It is mainly located on the elbows, knees, scalp, face or feet. However, it can occur in any other area.

Psoriasis is quite common, in both men and women, and is related to a disorder of the immune system. However, beyond the fact that it is more common between 15 and 22 years and between 57 and 60 years, there are many factors that influence this pathology, such as stress, climate or diet.

In this article we are going to review all those factors that we can change to improve our forecast. Will it be possible to cure psoriasis naturally?

Is it possible to cure psoriasis with food?

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By itself, you will not cure psoriasis with just food. However, each body works in a different way and not all foods feel the same to all people.

If we have psoriasis, it is possible that we have some food intolerance that we are not aware of. The most common intolerances are to gluten and lactose.

For this reason, we recommend that you be attentive to how changes in your diet affect you as you eliminate or add different foods. It is always advisable to carry this control under the supervision of a professional.

Cleanse the skin from within

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Since this disease directly affects skin cells, a complete natural treatment should start with the cleaning of all those organs that can facilitate the purification of the body.

If we improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestines, the skin will suffer less and will be able to function in a more balanced way. In fact, studies from past decades have already analyzed the relationship between liver conditions and psoriasis, to cite just one example of its possible interconnection with the functioning of the body in general.

To achieve this improvement in the functions of these organs, it could be beneficial to include cleansing juices and shakes in your regular diet. Here are some natural alternatives that you could implement, as long as your trusted doctor approves.

Clay baths

One of the oldest remedies for the skin is clay, for both health and beauty issues, as this study confirms. We can apply clay poultices locally, especially in those areas that are most affected.

To avoid overly drying the skin, instead of mixing the clay with water, a popular recipe recommends combining it with yogurt. 

Likewise, it is said that to prepare the poultice we should not use plastic or metal utensils or containers, but rather wood and glass. We will apply the clay for 20 or 30 minutes and rinse with water.

Traditional medicine indicates that we can make these applications once a week, or, in times of crisis, once every two days. However, it is best to consult with the dermatologist about the frequency of use.

Licorice baths and infusions

Licorice is also known as the natural cortisone. This action is due to some components of licorice that block the breakdown of cortisone in the body and prolong its effect.

In addition to extending the life of cortisone in our body, it contains the formation of inflammatory compounds. In short, licorice is a possibly useful remedy for any type of inflammation, especially psoriasis. Studies confirm its effectiveness for this disorder when combined with acitretin.

To benefit from this property,  we can prepare baths with licorice infusion or consume it regularly. We must bear in mind that licorice slightly raises blood pressure, so people with hypertension should consult with their doctor before using it.

Carrot plasters

According to traditional medicine, another remedy to calm psoriasis outbreaks is to prepare grated carrot plasters. Ideally, apply it directly to the skin for 20 minutes and let it work. Carrot is rich in beta-carotenes, making it a healthy food for the skin, although there is not enough evidence about its effectiveness in fighting psoriasis.

Sun and sea

Many people with psoriasis have found that their skin health improves when exposed to sunlight. For this reason, it is important to try to maintain this habit throughout the year, with brief solar exposures every day, outside the hours of maximum radiation. Consult with your doctor about the frequency and duration of this exposure.

Final remarks

In conclusion, is it possible to cure psoriasis naturally? In reality, natural treatments should never replace medical treatment, and they should be a complement to it.

The natural treatment you seek is to address the cause and not the symptom of the disease. Ideally, a combination of both treatments would be. However, between natural remedies and advances in science, it will surely be possible to cure psoriasis completely in a few years.

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