How To Cleanse The Liver In A Week

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body. That is why it is essential to take care and above all to know how to purify the liver. In addition, it is usually one of the organs that suffers the most due to poor diet, toxic habits and negative emotions.

In this article we explain how to perform a complete liver cleanse within seven days. Obviously these tips must be accompanied by a good diet, daily exercise and a healthy life. Find out how to do it!

How do we know if we have an overloaded liver?

The National Organization for People Affected by Hepatitis indicates that there are several symptoms that confirm that we should purify the liver:

  • Bad digestions: the liver is essential in the digestive process, so constipation or gas are symptoms of liver problems.
  • Mood : liver malfunction also affects our mood, causing irritability, discouragement and anger.
  • Dark circles under the eyes.
  • Pain in the right eye.
  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eye.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Allergies and skin problems.

Preparation to purify the liver in a week

Since the debugging will last a week, it would be advisable to follow a series of steps that will be given below. Obviously, our doctor should always be consulted before performing it. In this way we will ensure that we are doing it correctly and that it will be beneficial to our health without any risk. 

Forbidden food

During this week we will totally avoid the following foods:

  • Alcohol.
  • Fried
  • Red meat.
  • Pre-cooked.
  • Dairy products.
  • White sugar.
  • Artificial sweeteners.

On an empty stomach

When we get up in the morning is when we finish the night fast, during which our body has rested and has regenerated to start a new day.


  • First, we will drink two glasses of warm water on an empty stomach.
  • Next we will take a tablespoon of lemon juice and another of olive oil.

With these simple steps we will cleanse the body and put our liver into operation.

oil and lemon elle_ann


Half an hour later we can have breakfast. We recommend starting breakfast with a natural grapefruit juice. If we want to sweeten it, we will add a little honey or stevia.


Then we can choose between one of the following breakfasts, which we can alternate each day if we wish:

  • Option 1: Fruit smoothie (apple, pear, pineapple or banana) with vegetable drink of oatmeal or rice, a teaspoon of brewer’s yeast, a teaspoon of ground pollen, a handful of prunes and ground almonds.
  • Option 2 : Whole wheat toast with tahini (sesame pate) and avocado
  • Option 3 : Whole wheat sandwich with tortilla.

banana shake Foodmayhemcom

Half morning

Since this cleansing is not a weight loss regimen we do not have to starve. Therefore, if we are hungry in the middle of the morning we can always eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.


What we should take every day at mid-morning will be an infusion of one of the following medicinal plants:

  • Boldo.
  • Milk thistle
  • Dandelion.


It is convenient that the amounts are normal, neither stay hungry nor gorge on food.


The meal will be based on three dishes that we can combine or mix:

  • First course: Gazpacho, salad or roasted apple.
  • Second course : Brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, millet or baked or baked potato.
  • Third course : Fish, white meat or legumes.

We can dress meals with extra virgin olive oil, a little sea salt and apple cider vinegar. Finally, after the meal we will take another of the infusions mentioned above.

diekatrin full salad

In mid afternoon


In the middle of the afternoon we can have something like mid-morning  and combine it with the third and last infusion of the day.


If we want to take care of our liver, dinners should always be light and not too late. Since the liver regenerates in the early hours of the morning and to do it correctly it must have finished the digestive process.

Keep reading: 5 light dinners that take care of your weight


Therefore, we recommend, during this week, to base the dinner on a homemade vegetable cream, which we can season with seaweed, flax oil and a little wheat germ. If we are hungrier, we can also eat an egg (in an omelette or cooked) and some rice or corn toast.

Now that you have some tips to purify the liver, you just have to get to work. It is important to always remember the care of a specialist before starting. This way we will make sure that we are doing it correctly.

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