Preventing A Cold In Winter Times

Adequate rest of the body at night, doing physical exercise and good habits, or cleaning the environment is very important to avoid a cold. Discover other tips in this article.

Going from a hot climate to a cold climate, or vice versa, can cause certain havoc in the welfare of people.  In the case of the arrival of cold winters, you must be very careful not to contract diseases such as the flu. Although we do not usually consider it serious, it can be. Therefore, we offer some tips to take care of ourselves in cold seasons and avoid a cold.

Tips to avoid a cold in winter times

1. Cover your body appropriately

In times of cold weather it is essential to wear appropriate clothing for the temperature. That is, the use of coats, wool and long-sleeved shirts, long pants, closed shoes or boots.

If winter brings snow, wear scarves that protect the neck area , gloves, and ear muffs.

This is done in order that the garments retain moisture and keep the skin and body warm. With this you increase your chances of avoiding a cold.

2. Maintain body hygiene

One of the main causes of colds is the large number of viruses that swarm in the environment.

Therefore, It is essential to maintain  proper hygiene in cold times of the year.  For example, wash your hands when you get home, if you come from the street or before eating.

To avoid a cold, it is advisable to be careful with the areas of the mouth, eyes or nose if you have not cleaned your hands.

3. Maintain the cleanliness and temperature of the home

Cleaning a dishwasher.

As in the previous case, it is important to keep the house clean to avoid a cold.

This includes cleaning every corner of your house.  Disinfect the kitchen, bathrooms, rooms, as well as the materials or objects that we use inside it.

It is also recommended to keep the house temperature at room temperature (23ยบ C), avoiding having the windows and doors open.

4. Choose a good diet

It is advised that in cold seasons you consume foods such as fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins C and D.  These help prevent a cold and keep our defenses high.

In addition, it is advisable to opt for the intake of hot beverages, such as tea or any type of infusion.  This will allow you to keep your body temperature at a suitable level.

It is also important to stay hydrated in these seasons. To help you, it is recommended to drink a lot of water, broths and soups.

5. Perform physical exercise

To avoid colds: woman doing physical exercise.

Despite the cold that may occur, it is necessary to perform physical or aerobic activity.

It allows to increase the defenses in the body, so It will help you avoid a cold and be immune to any type of virus in the environment.

6. Opt for a good rest

Adequate rest of the body at night is very important to avoid a cold. To sleep At least eight hours and avoiding late nights will allow your mood and health to be in optimal condition.

It is also advisable that at bedtime you dress well. Namely, sleep in pajamas or slightly thick clothing. This should be accompanied by a quilt to keep you warm at night.

Avoiding a cold is up to you

The arrival of the cold can be devastating for health if we do not take into account the above recommendations. It is not only a matter of taking care of yourself from a cold, but also taking care of your body in general.

For example, there are studies carried out by dermatologists that show the effects of cold on the skin . It is important, in any case, to always keep your defenses high.

Also, stay away from closed places where there is a greater influx of people who can infect you with some type of virus. Unfortunately many of the colds tend to be easily contagious.

Remember that the main thing is to take care of our health and, above all, to choose habits that help us strengthen our immune system.

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