The 3 Best Medicinal Teas To Drink At Night

Few things can be more suitable than preparing those very hot infusions that help us relax and alleviate discomfort at the end of the night.

We choose our favorite cup, we go to the sofa with a good book and we drink that medicinal remedy little by little. Not only will we enjoy a more relaxed sleep, but also, if you choose the most suitable plants, you will get many more benefits to start the next day with energy.

1. Infusions of lemon balm and rosemary

Its taste is delicious. Do you want to know why it is so appropriate to take it late at night?

  • Melissa is one of the best known natural relaxants that exist. Its properties were proven in people with anxiety disorders, stress and sleep problems.
  • It is smooth, with a pleasant flavor and, in turn, combines very well with other medicinal plants, hence we have chosen it to mix it with rosemary.
  • Lemon balm helps improve digestion. So, if you are one of those people who tends to feel bothered by gas at the end of the day, this remedy could go very well for you.
  • Rosemary is one of the medicinal plants that help to raise the defenses.
  • According to the same study, it also helps us relax.
  • Rosemary is also rich in vitamin C.

If you get used to taking this infusion every night, you will notice how, little by little, you catch fewer colds or infections. Remember, of course, that this infusion (nor the following ones) is not intended to replace any medical treatment.


  • 15 g of lemon balm.
  • 15 g of fresh rosemary.
  • A glass of water (200 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


  • You can easily find lemon balm in natural stores, already prepared in tea bags.
  • Wash the fresh rosemary well.
  • Boil the glass of water.
  • Once the water comes to a boil, add the clean rosemary and lemon balm.
  • Allow the mixture to cook for 15 minutes, then let it rest for another 10 minutes.
  • Next step? Very easy. Choose your favorite cup, add a tablespoon of honey, stir well … and enjoy it!

2. Infusions of linden and thyme


This is, for many people, one of the best medicinal infusions to take at night. Both linden and thyme can be found perfectly in any natural store, and they will help you a lot.

  • The combination of linden and thyme can be helpful in cleansing the body and strengthening the immune system, academic publications on thyme confirm.
  • Thyme has a medicinal component called “thymol” that has been shown to act as an antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal.
  • Linden  is a balsamic plant, perfect to get a good rest.

All of this will come in handy at the end of the night, because it is precisely while we sleep that our body carries out purification and detoxification tasks.


  • 15 g of linden.
  • 15 g of fresh thyme.
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


  • Bring the glass of water to a boil.
  • Once it comes to a boil, add the linden and fresh thyme (which we have previously washed well).
  • Let them cook for 15 minutes. Let it sit for another ten and then strain all the content.
  • Put the infusion in your favorite cup and add that tablespoon of honey. Drink it little by little, enjoying that moment.

3. Lavender and sage infusions


Delicious and very medicinal! This is also one of the best medicinal infusions to take at night, the reasons? Take note:

  • Muscle relaxant: both lavender and sage are two medicinal plants recognized for their contribution to muscle relaxation. Perfect for those days when we come home tired and with a headache or neck pain. You will do very well, after 20 minutes you will notice the effects.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Sage and lavender are ideal for relieving pain caused by arthritis or rheumatism, among other conditions.
  • They are an ideal combination that will help you to conciliate a deeper and more relaxed sleep, by alleviating those discomforts associated with these ailments.


  • 15 g of lavender.
  • 15 g of sage.
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


  • As you already know, you can find both lavender and sage in any specialized natural store.
  • Heat the glass of water.
  • Once it reaches a boil, add the sage and lavender to cook properly for 15-20 minutes.
  • After that time, turn off the heat and let it rest for about 10 minutes.
  • Strain the content and bring the infusion to your favorite cup.
  • Next step? Turn off your mobile, grab a good book and go to the sofa to drink that infusion little by little.

You will see how you relax quickly and sleep painlessly through the night. It’s marvelous! Which of these infusions are you going to prepare tonight?

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