8 Tips To Regain Your Figure After Pregnancy

It is possible to regain your figure after delivery with some very simple tricks. The key is to carry them out in a disciplined way.

After pregnancy, it is possible to regain the figure. Although it may seem like a difficult goal to achieve in the long term, there is no need to be overwhelmed. This is not a race against time. Everything can be achieved with patience, effort and perseverance. It is time to find the alternative that best suits your body.

A pregnancy implies the adaptation of the body to the formation of a new human being. The most significant changes are the widening of the hips and the enlargement of the breasts. Generally, a woman gains between 9 and 12 kilograms  during pregnancy.

Some doctors recommend waiting 6 months to a year after delivery. This time is the indicated time for the organs to return to their place. Also so that the hormones stabilize and the metabolism begins to accelerate.

It is also the time necessary for the mother to adapt to the baby’s routine. Sleep and fatigue are contraindicated in diet and exercise.

Rigid diets are not recommended during breastfeeding. At this time, both mother and child require a lot of nutrients and energy.

Balanced diet

How to recover the figure after pregnancy

Balanced diet

During breastfeeding, women tend to feel hungrier. It is recommended to make small snacks, every three hours, to alleviate the increase in appetite. Snacks are recommended high in cereals and low in refined sugars

The postpartum diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, and protein. Proteins help speed up metabolism and make you feel full. Consuming processed carbohydrates like breads and cookies prevents weight loss. They also provide a fictitious energy to the body, which is consumed quickly.

During the first postpartum days, the energy load is important. The intake of fruits such as banana, peach or plum provide energy to women.


It is a good ally in weight loss. With each dose given to the baby, the woman can lose up to 500 calories. However, for breastfeeding to help you regain your figure after childbirth, a balanced diet is important.

A good diet prevents future allergy or intolerance problems. With a proper selection of foods, children will have better digestion and rest better. What benefits the mother.

One step at a time

You can start with short walks of 15 minutes a day. As progress is made, the duration can be increased and the exercise routine extended. There is no reason to rush . You can move forward little by little.

Another option is to resort to Pilates, cardiovascular routines or yoga, which is not only a physical exercise but also an excellent option for the mind and spirit.

One step at a time

Drinking water

After pregnancy, the body needs to regain its stability. This includes hydration. In addition, water is the first producer of breast milk.

It is important to drink enough water daily to promote the elimination of toxins.  Additionally, water helps speed up metabolism and, consequently, burn fat. On the other hand, a hydrated body rests better.

Sleep and rest well

Sleeping as many hours as possible also helps. People who sleep little, have a slow metabolism, and lose little weight.

Insomnia, tiredness, or poor sleep is common in moms in the first 100 days. Hence the importance of trying to rest while the baby sleeps.

Restful sleep is a good psychological and physical stabilizer. It reduces stress and recharges the energies, necessary during the upbringing.

Self-motivation, enjoy free time

When looking to recover the figure it is important to avoid self-criticism. On the contrary, it is advisable to celebrate any achievement no matter how small.

Similarly, obsessing over losing weight does not help in the process of regaining your figure. It is also important to  know how to give yourself a few minutes alone to reconnect with yourself.

To rest

As stated previously, regaining your figure after pregnancy can be achieved with a healthy eating plan and a good exercise routine.

In this sense, it is important to remember that the ideal is to always consult with the specialist before starting any diet. In addition, it will only take patience, perseverance and an always positive attitude when facing the objectives.

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