Lemon Cleansing And Detox Diet: Does It Have Any Effects?

We must always bear in mind that when faced with a physical ailment, whatever it may be, it is necessary to discuss any change we want to make in our diet with our doctor. It is essential to prevent health complications.

The detox diet, known today as the detox diet, has been implemented by many people in recent years. This is because they promise to cleanse the body of toxins that build up from a poor diet and lifestyle.

In many cases, lemon is used with the intention of eliminating toxins and waste accumulated in the body, and to contribute at the same time to weight loss in the short term. However, there are several studies that warn about the dangers of this type of diet.

The body already has mechanisms to get rid of toxins naturally. However, if you are looking to lose weight, it is best to consult your doctor or nutritionist for the most appropriate diet plan for you.

Most likely, the professional will recommend a balanced and healthy diet to combine with regular physical exercise. Lemon-based diets can never replace a diet with varied foods from all groups, which is what our body needs for all organs to function properly.

The detox diet

This lemon detox diet began to be adopted when Stanley Burroughs, its creator, recommended it for the healing of stomach ulcers. In the book The Master Cleanser , Burroughs shares the experience he had when one of his patients first tried this diet after suffering from a stomach ulcer for three years.

After eleven days of applying the lemon cleansing and detoxification diet, the patient reported feeling better. Since then, there have been many similar cases, in which the results are seen after 10 or 11 days of application. It is believed that it can also help us lose weight.

However, although it is a practice that has spread, there are very few studies that deal with this method. In some of them, positive results have been obtained in weight and fat loss, insulin resistance and blood pressure.

However, there is no convincing research to support the use of detox diets for weight control or the elimination of toxins from the body. So it is advisable to be cautious.

Note: We must always bear in mind that when faced with a physical ailment, whatever it may be, it is necessary to discuss with our doctor / any change we want to introduce in our diet. It is essential to prevent health complications.

What is the lemon detox diet?

lemon tea 2

That said, the lemon cleansing and detox diet has become very popular as a support plan for the body, through which the elimination of accumulated toxins is believed to be facilitated. As many of you already know, the body accumulates toxins as a result of poor diet, pollution, etc.

As we warned at the beginning, there is not enough scientific evidence to support the results of this diet. Therefore, it should be considered as an aid when you want to lead a healthier lifestyle. It must be complemented with a healthy diet, regular exercise, as well as a reduction in stress.

How to prepare the lemon detox diet?

If you still want to try this detoxification and cleansing diet with lemon, we recommend that you complement it with a balanced and healthy diet, with foods from all groups.

The ideal is to follow a healthy lifestyle in which physical exercise is carried out on a regular basis and harmful habits, such as alcohol or tobacco, are put aside. In this way, the organs responsible for eliminating toxins will work better. Even so, we cannot be 100% sure that we will eliminate all the risks of contracting a disease, but it is a good way to avoid them.


Before making sudden changes in your diet, it is best to consult with your doctor. Especially those people who have had organ transplants, or who take immunosuppressive drugs. In these cases it is best not to follow this type of diet. Nor if the person must undergo surgery.

Lemonade for detox


One way to carry out the detox diet is by consuming a homemade lemonade. Its ingredients are:

  • Lemons
  • Pure organic maple syrup.
  • Pure cayenne pepper.
  • Mineralized water.

How to do it?

  • Mix equal parts of lemon juice and organic maple syrup. Reserve in a dark glass jar and refrigerate.
  • Next, pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of water. You can add cayenne pepper and stir well until dissolved.
  • Maple syrup preserves lemon juice and prevents oxidation of vitamin C and enzymes.

Always remember it

Eating an improper diet can have a negative impact on our body. In addition, they can encourage the opposite of what we are looking for when doing it. Therefore, it is essential to bear in mind that diets should always be supervised by a nutritionist.

In addition, it should be noted that any diet must be accompanied by a healthy diet. Its function will be to support the goals of weight loss or purification of the body.

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